The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

seize the gun before it could be fired.

Except Clint was not present. And the woman’s body had been removed

from the table. Only the blood remained as proof that she perished


Candy could not have been gone more than a minute-time he had spent in

his mother’s room, plus a couple of seconds in transit each way. He

expected to return to find Clint bent over the corpse, either grieving

or checking desperately for a pulse. But as soon as he realized Candy

was gone, the man must have taken the body in his arms and… And who

He must have fled the house, of course, hoping against hope that a faint

thread of life remained unbroken in the worn getting her out of the way

in case Candy returned.

Cursing softly-then immediately begging his mother’s and God’s

forgiveness for his foul language-Candy tried the door into the garage.

It was locked. If he had left by that exit, Clint wouldn’t have paused

to lock up behind himself.

He hurried out of the kitchen, through the dining room,ward the foyer of

the living room, to check out the front lawn and the street. But he

heard a noise from deeper in the house and halted before he reached the

front door. He changed direction, cautiously following the hallway back

to the bedroom A light was on in one of those rooms. He eased to the

door and risked a glance inside.

Clint had just put the woman on the queen-size bed. Candy watched, the

man pulled her skirt down over her legs. He still had the revolver in

one hand.

For the Second time in less than an hour, Candy heard faint away sirens

swelling in the night. The neighbors probably had heard the gunfire and

called the police.

Clint saw him in the doorway but did not bring up the question. He did

not say anything, either, and the expression on his stone face remained

unchanged. He seemed like a deaf-mute. the strangeness of the man’s

demeanor made Candy nervous and uncertain.

He thought there was a pretty good chance that Clint had emptied the gun

at him in the kitchen, even though he had telaPorted out of there with

the impact of the second slug. Most likely, he had fired every round

reflexively, his trigger finger ruled by rage or fear or whatever he was

feeling. He could not have carried the woman into the bedroom and

reloaded the gun, too, in the minute or so that Candy had been gone,

which meant Candy might be in no danger if he just walked up to the guy

and took the weapon away from him.

But he stayed in the doorway. Either of those two shots could have been

dead-center in his heart. The power within him was great, but he could

not exercise it quickly enough to vaporize an oncoming bullet.

instead of dealing with Candy in any fashion, the man turned away from

him, walked around the foot of the bed to the other side, and stretched

out beside the woman.

“What the hell?” Candy said aloud.

Clint took hold of her dead hand. His other hand held the.38 revolver.

He turned his head on the pillow to look toward her, and his eyes

glistened with what might have been unshed tears. He put the muzzle of

the gun under his chin, and annihilated himself.

Candy was so stunned that he was unable to move for a moment or think

what to do next. He was jolted out of his paralysis by the ululant

sirens, and realized that the trail from Thomas to Bobby and Julie,

whoever they were, might end here if he did not discover what link the

dead man on the bed shared with them. If he ever hoped to learn who

Thomas had been, how Clint had known his name, or how many others knew

of him, if he wanted to learn how much danger he was in and how he might

slide out of it, he couldn’t waste this opportunity.

He hurried to the bed, rolled the dead man onto his side, and withdrew

the wallet from his pants pocket. He flipped it open and saw the

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Categories: Koontz, Dean