The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

already torn out her throat. Then he remembered something she had said

to him once: Sweetcakes, as long as you’re breathing, Tinkerbell will


Gutters overflowed, and a sudden wind wound skeins of rain, like silver

yarn, through his headlights.

As he drove the storm-swept streets and turned east on Pacific Hill

Road, he explained how Frank, through his sacrifice of himself, could

rid the world of Candy and undo his mother’s evil the way he had wanted

to undo it-but had failed-when he had taken the ax to her. It was a

simple concept. He was able to go over it several times even in the few

minutes had before pulling to a stop at the rusted iron gate.

Frank did not respond to anything that Bobby said. T was no way to be

sure he understood what he must do if he had even heard a word of it. He

stared straight ah his mouth open an inch or so, and sometimes his head

tic back and forth, back and forth, in time with the windshield wipers,

as if he were watching Jackie Jaxx’s crystal pen swinging on its gold


By the time they got out of the car, went through the garage and

approached the decrepit house, with less than two minutes of the

deadline left, Bobby was reduced to proceeding on faith.

WHEN CANDY brought her into the filthy kitchen, pushed into one of the

chairs at the table, and let go of her, J reached at once for the

revolver in the shoulder holster her corduroy jacket. He was too fast

for her, however, and it from her hand, breaking two of her fingers in

The pain was excruciating, and that was on top of theness in her neck

and throat from the ruthless treatment he dealt out at Fogarty’s, but

she refused to cry or complain.

stead, when he turned away from her to toss the gun o drawer beyond her

reach, she leapt up from the chair sprinted for the door.

He caught her, lifted her off her feet, swung her around, body-slammed

her onto the kitchen table so hard she passed out. He brought his face

close to hers and said,

“You’re going to taste good, like Clint’s woman, all that vitality in

veins, all that energy, I want to feel you spurting in mouth.” Her

attempts at resistance and escape had not arisen from courage as much as

from terror, some of which sprang the experience of deconstruction and

reconstitution, which hoped never to have to endure again. Now her fear

doubled as his lips lowered to within an inch of hers and as his cha

house breath washed over her face. Unable to look away from his blue

eyes, she thought these were what Satan’s eyes would be like, not dark

as sin, not red as the fires of Hell, not craw with maggots, but

gloriously and beautifully blue-and utterly devoid of all mercy and


If all the worst of human savagery from time immemorial could be

condensed into one individual, if all of the species’ hunger for blood

and violence and raw power could be embodied in one monstrous figure, it

would have looked like Candy Pollard at that moment. When he finally

pulled back from her, like a coiled serpent grudgingly reconsidering its

decision to strike, and when he dragged her off the table and shoved her

back into the chair, she was cowed, perhaps for the first time in her

life. She knew that if she exhibited any further resistance, he would

kill her on the spot and feed on her.

Then he said an astonishing thing:

“Later, when I’m done with Frank, you’ll tell me where Thomas got his


She was so intimidated by him that she had difficulty finding her voice.

“Power? What do you mean?”

“He’s the only one I’ve ever encountered, outside our family. The Bad

Thing, he called me. And he kept trying to keep tabs on me

telepathically because he knew sooner or later you and I would cross

paths. How can he have had ahy gifts when he wasn’t born of my virgin

mother? Later, you’ll explain that to me.” As she sat, actually too

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Categories: Koontz, Dean