The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

not stroke his hair or touch his face with her warm soft hands, and she

would not let him cuddle against her or put his weary head upon her

breast, and at night he had to find his way into a troubled sleep

without being guided there by either her bedtime stories or sweet

lullabies. In that total banishment he learned moor Hell than he ever

hoped to know.

But she would understand why Candy could not help himself tonight, and

she’d forgive him. Sooner or later she always forgave him because her

love for him was like the love of God for all His children: perfect,

rich with forbearance mercy. When she deemed that Candy had suffered

enough, she always had looked at him again, smiled for him, opened arms

wide. In her new acceptance of him, he had experienced as much of

Heaven as he needed to know.

She was in Heaven now, herself. Seven long years! God, how he missed

her. But she was watching him even now. She would know he had lost

control tonight, and she would be disappointed in him.

He climbed the stairs, rushing up two risers at a time, staying close to

the wall, where the steps were less likely to squeak. He was a big man

but graceful and light on his feet, and if some of the stair treads were

loose or tired with age, they did not creak under him.

In the upstairs hall he paused, listening.


A dim night-light was part of the overhead smoke alarm. The glow was

just bright enough for Candy to see two doors on the right of the hall,

two on the left, and one at the far end.

He crept to the first door on the right, eased it open, and slipped into

the room beyond. He closed the door again and stood with his back to


Although his need was great, he forced himself to wait for his eyes to

adjust to the gloom.

Ashen light, from a street lamp at least half a block away, glimmered

faintly at the two windows. He noticed the mirror, first, a frosty

rectangle in which the meager radiance was murkily reflected; then he

began to make out the shape of the dresser beneath it. A moment later

he was also able to see the bed and, dimly, the huddled form of someone

lying under a light-colored blanket that was vaguely phosphorescent.

Candy stepped cautiously to the bed, took hold of the blanket and sheets

and hesitated, listening to the soft rhythmic breathing of the sleeper.

He detected a trace of perfume mingled with a pleasant scent of warm

skin and recently shampooed hair. A girl. He could always tell

girl-smell from boy smell. He also sensed that this one was young,

perhaps a teenager. If his need had not been so intense, he would have

hesitated much longer than he did, for the moments preceding a kill were

exciting, almost better than the act itself.

With a dramatic flick of his arm, as if he were a magician throwing back

the cloth that had covered an empty cage to reveal a captive dove of

sorcerous origins, he uncovered the sleeper. He fell upon her, crushing

her into the mattress with his body.

She woke instantly and tried to scream, even though he surely knocked

the wind out of her. Fortunately, he had unhumanly large and powerful

hands, and he had found her face as she began to raise her voice, so he

was able to thrust palm under her chin and hook his fingers in her

cheeks clamp her mouth shut.

“Be quiet, or I’ll kill you,” he whispered, his lips brushing against

her delicate ear.

Making a muffled, panicky sound, she squirmed under him to no avail.

Judging by the feel of her, she was not yet a woman, perhaps no younger

than twelve, certainly not older than fifteen.

She was no match for him.

“I don’t want to hurt you. I just want you, and when i’m done with you,

I’ll leave.” That was a lie, for he had no desire to rape her. Sex was

no interest to him. Indeed, sex disgusted him; involving unmentionable

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Categories: Koontz, Dean