The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

have missed it for the world.” Julie took a long swallow of the

bourbon. It tasted sour and stung her throat. She didn’t care. She

needed it.

“I’d become a doctor because the pay was good,” Fogarty said.

“Later, when I gravitated toward illegal abortions, the pay was better,

and it became my main business. Not much danger, either, because I knew

what I was doing, and I could buy off an authority now and then if I had

to. When you’re getting those fat fees, you don’t have to schedule many

office visits, you can have a lot of free time, money and leisure, the

best of both worlds. But having settled for a career like that, what I

never figured was that I’d encounter anything as medically interesting,

as fascinating, as entertaining as this Pollard mess.” The only

consideration that caused Julie to refrain from going across the room

and kicking the crap out of the old man was not his age but the fact

that he would leave the story unfinished and some vital piece of

information unrevealed.

“But the birth of Roselle’s first child wasn’t the event I’d thought it

would be,” Fogarty said.

“In spite of the odds, the baby she produced was healthy and, from all

indications, perfectly normal. That was 1960, and the baby was Frank.”

In the wingback chair, Frank whimpered softly but remained in his

semicomatose condition.

STILL LISTENING to Doc Fogarty through Darkle, Violet sat up and swung

her bare legs over the edge of the bed, dispossessing some of the cats

from their resting places, and eliciting a murmur of protest from

Verbina, who was seldom content to share just a mental link with her

sister and needed the reassurance of physical contact. With cats

swarming at her feet, seeing through their eyes as well as her own and

therefore not blinded by the darkness, Violet started toward the open

door to the lightless upstairs hall.

Then she remembered that she was nude, and she went back for panties and

a T-shirt.

She wasn’t afraid of Candy’s disapproval or of Candy himself. In fact,

she would welcome his violent attentions, for it would be the ultimate

game of hunter and prey, hawk mouse, brother and sister. Candy was the

only wild creature into whose mind she couldn’t intrude; though wild, he

was human and beyond the reach of her powers. If he tore out Verbina’s

throat, then her blood would get into him, and into her throat, and she

would become a part of him in the only manner she ever could. Likewise,

that was the only way he could get into her: by biting his way in, by

chewing into her, the only way.

On any other night, she would have called to him and let him see her

nude, with the hope that her shamelessness would at last provoke him to

violence. But she could not pursue her fondest desire right now, not

when Frank was nearby and unpunished for what he had done to their poor

puss, mantha When she had dressed, she returned to the hall, moved all

through it in the gloom-still in complete touch with Darkle and Zi and

the wild world-and stopped before the door to mother’s room, into which

Candy had moved upon her death. A thing line of light showed along the


“Candy,” she said.

“Candy, are you there?”

LIKE A MEMORY from wars past or a presentiment of a war to come, a

searing flash of lightning and a shattering crash of thunder shook the

night. The window in the study vibrated. It was the first thunder

Bobby had heard since the faint and distant peal when they had come out

of the motel, nearly an hour and a half ago. In spite of the thunder in

the sky, rain was not yet falling. But though the storm was

slow-moving, it was almost upon them. The pyrotech of a storm was an

ideal backdrop to Fogarty’s tale.

“I was disappointed in Frank,” Fogarty said, taking an old bottle of

bourbon from his capacious desk drawer and filling his glass.

“No fun at all. So normal. But two years later she was pregnant again!

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Categories: Koontz, Dean