The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

were blue, but it was like they were really dark, like under the blue

was a lot of stuff as black as the night out past the gone window.

But the other funny thing was, he wasn’t as scared as he was a while

ago, like he’d used up all his being scared just like he’d used up his

tears. He looked in the Bad Thing’s eyes, and he saw all that big dark,

darkness. The dark that came over the world each day when the sun went

away, and he knew it was wanting to make him dead, going to make him

dead, and that was okay. He was not so afraid of being made dead as he

always thought he would be. It was still a Bad Place, death, and he

wished he didn’t have to go there, but he had a funny-nice feeling about

the Bad Place all of a sudden, a feeling that maybe it wouldn’t be so

lonely over there as he always figured it was, not even as lonely as it

was on this side. He felt maybe someone was over there who loved him,

someone who loved him more than even Julie loved him, even more than

their dad used to love him, someone who was all bright, no dark at all,

so bright you could only look at Him sideways.

The Bad Thing held Thomas against the dresser with one hand, and with

its other hand it pulled the scissors out of itself.

Then it put the scissors in Thomas.

This light started to fill up Thomas, this light that loved him, and he

knew he was going away. He hoped when he was all gone, Julie would know

how brave he was right at the end, how he stopped crying and stopped

being scared and fought back. And then all of a sudden he remembered he

hadn’t sent a warning to Bobby that the Bad Thing might be coming for

them, too, and he started to do that.

-the scissors went in again Then he all of a sudden knew something even

more important he had to do. He had to let Julie know that the Bad

Place was not so bad, after all, there was a light over there that love

you, you could tell. She needed to know about it because deep down she

really didn’t believe it. She figured it was all dark and lonely the

way Thomas once figured it was, so she counted each clock tick and

worried about all she had to do before he time ran out, all she had to

learn and see and feel and get, a she had to do for Thomas and for Bobby

so they’d be ok if Something Happened To Her.

-and the scissors went in again And she was happy with Bobby, but she

was never going to be real happy until she knew she didn’t have to be so

angry about everything ending in a big dark. She was so nice it was

hard to figure she was angry inside, but she was. Thomas only figured

it out now, as the light was filling him up, figured out how terrible

angry Julie was. She was angry that all the hard work and all the hope

and all the dreams and all the trying and doing and loving didn’t matter

in the end because you were sooner or later made dead forever.

-the scissors If she knew about the light, she could stop being angry

deep down. So Thomas sent that, too, along with a warning, an with

three last words to her and to Bobby, words of his own all three things

at once, hoping they wouldn’t get mixed up: The Bad Thing’s coming, look

out, the Bad Thing, there ù light that loves you, the Bad Thing, I love

you too, and there ù light, there’s a light, THE BAD THING’S COMING AT

8:15 they were on the Foothill Freeway, rocketing toward the junction

with the Ventura Freeway, which they would follow across the San

Fernando Valley almost to the ocean before turning north toward Oxnard,

Ventura, and eventually Santa Barbara. Julie knew she should slow down,

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Categories: Koontz, Dean