TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

that’s okay. You won’t be longer than three days, though, right?”

“Three tops, Sid. I promise.” He rubbed vigorously at his scalp.

“You couldn’t get out of the New York trip?”

Sidney shook her head. “Lawyers don’t get excused from business trips.

It’s not in the Tyler, Stone manual of being a productive attorney.”

“Christ, you do more in three days than most of them do in five.”

“Well, sweetie, I don’t have to tell you, but in our shop, it’s what did

you do for me today, and, more important, what are you going to do for

me tomorrow, and the day after that.”

Jason pulled himself up to a sitting position. “Same at Triton;

however, being in the advanced technology business, their expectations

go into the next millennium. One day our ship will come in, Sid. Maybe

today.” He looked at her.

She shook her head. “Right. So while you’re waiting down at the docks

for our yacht, I’ll keep depositing our paychecks and paying down debt.


“Okay. But sometimes you have to be optimistic. Look into the future.”

“Speaking of the future, have you given any more thought to working on

another baby?”

‘Tm more than ready. If the next one’s like Amy, it’ll be a breeze.”

Sidney pressed her full thighs against him, quietly pleased that he

voiced no objection to enlarging the family. If he was seeing someone

else… ? “Speak for yourself, Mr. Male Half of this little


She pushed him.

“Sorry, Sid. Typical brain-dead man thing to say. It won’t happen

again, promise.”

Sidney lay back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling as she gently

rubbed his shoulder. Three years ago the thought of leaving the

practice of law would have been out of the question. Now, even

part-time seemed too intrusive on her life with Amy and Jason. She

longed for total freedom to be with her child. Freedom they could not

yet afford solely on Jason’s salary, even with all the cutbacks they had

made, constantly fighting the American-consumer compulsion to spend as

much as they earned. But if Jason kept moving up at Triton, who knew?

Sidney had never wanted to be financially dependent on anyone else. She

looked at Jason. If she was going to tie her economic survival to one

person, who better than a man she had loved almost from the moment she

had laid eyes on him? As she continued to watch him, a glimmer of

moisture appeared in her eyes. She sat up, leaning into him.

“Well, at least while you’re in Los Angeles you can look up some of your

old friends–just skip the old flames, please.” She tousled his hair.

“Besides, you could never leave me. My father would stalk you.” Her

eyes slowly drifted over his shirtless torso: abdominal muscles stacked

on top of one another, cords of muscle rippling just beneath the skin of

his shoulders. Sidney was once again reminded of how lucky she had been

to collide with Jason Archer’s life. And she also knew beyond doubt

that her husband believed he was the lucky one for finding her. He

didn’t answer, just stared off. “You know you’ve really been burning

the midnight oil the last few months, Jason. At the office at all

hours, leaving me notes in the middle of the night. I miss you.” She

nudged him with her hip.

“You remember how much fun it is to snuggle at night, don’t you?”

In response he kissed her on the cheek.

“Besides, Triton has a lot of employees. You don’t have to do it all

yourself,” she added.

He looked at her and there was a painful weariness in his eyes.

“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?”

Sidney sighed. “After the CyberCom acquisition closes, you’ll probably

be busier than ever. Maybe I should sabotage the deal. I am lead

counsel for Triton, after all.” She smiled.

He chuckled halfheartedly, his mind clearly elsewhere.

“The meeting in New York should be interesting, anyway.”

He abruptly focused on her. “Why’s that?”

“Because we’re meeting on the CyberCom deal. Nathan Gamble and your

buddy Quentin Rowe will both be there.”

The blood slowly drained from her husband’s face. He stammered, “I–I

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Categories: Baldacci David