TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

scanned them before tossing them down and snatching up others, his

movements becoming more and more frenetic. Finally he stopped, a file

open in his hand, his eyes glued to something in the mass of papers


Sawyer was beside him in an instant. “Dammit, Ray, what is it?”

he said fiercely.

In response, Jackson handed over to his partner an object from the file.

Sawyer stared down at the photo in disbelief. In a different pose, the

too-handsome face of Steven Page looked back at him.

Sawyer grabbed the photo he had taken from Ed Page’s apartment off the

table where Jackson had dropped it and looked at the picture again. His

eyes swung back to the file photo. There was no doubt, it was the same

man in both photos.

A wide-eyed Sawyer looked at Jackson. “Where did you get this photo,

Ray?” he asked very slowly, his voice hardly above a whisper.

Jackson licked his lips nervously; his head swayed from side to side. “I

can’t believe this.”

“Where, Ray, where?”

“Arthur Lieberman’s apartment.”


Subj: Fwd: Not me.

Date: 95-11-26 08:41:52 EST

From: ArchieJW2 To: ArchieJW2 Dear Other Archie: Watch your typing. By

the way do you often send mail to yourself? Message a little

melodramatic but a nice password nonetheless. Maybe we can talk

encryption techniques. Heard one of the best around is the Secret

Service’s racal-milgo. See you in Cyberspace. Ciao.

Forwarded Message:

Subj: Not me Date: 95-11-19 10:30:06 PST

From: ArchieJW2 To: ArchieKW2 sid all wrong all backwards/disk in


29629.295111.39614 seattlewarehouse-get help hurry! Sidney stared at the

computer screen; her mind alternated between racing out of control and

threatening to shut down. She had been right, though. Jason had

mistyped, had hit the k instead of the j.

Thank you, ArchieKW2, whoever you are. Fisher had also been right about

the password–almost thirty characters long. She assumed that’s what

the numbers represented: the password.

Her heart sank as she looked at the date of the original message.

Her husband had implored her to hurry. There was nothing she could have

done about it, and yet she had an overwhelming sense of having let him

down. She printed out the single page and put it in her pocket. At

least she would finally be able to read what was on the disk. Her

adrenaline soared with the thought.

It abruptly went even higher as the sound of someone entering the

library reached her ears. She carefully exited the program and turned

off the computer. Her hands were shaking as she put the disk back in

her purse. She waited for additional sounds, her breath coming in

shallow bursts, one hand on the butt of her pistol.

When a sound came from her right, she slipped out of the chair, bent low

and proceeded to move quietly to her left. She rounded a corner and

stopped. Staring her in the face was a bookshelf of volumes she

had spent much of law school and her first years in practice poring

over. She looked through a gap in their ranks at the man in the

shadows. She could not make out his face. She didn’t dare move farther

for fear of making any noise. Then the man started to come directly

toward her. Her grip tightened on the Smith & Wesson; her index finger

clicked off the safety. She pulled it from the holster as she backed

away. Crouching low, she made her way behind a partition, her ears

straining for any sound as she desperately tried to think of a way out.

The problem was there was only one doorway leading into the library. Her

only chance was to circle around, trying to keep a little ahead of

whoever was out there until she reached the doorway and could run like

hell. A bank of elevators was right down the hallway. If she could

make it.

She proceeded to move a few feet and wait, then repeated the process.

She had to assume she was making enough noise for the man to hear her

but not in a manner, she felt, for him to gauge her strategy. The

footsteps from behind matched her maneuvers almost perfectly. That

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Categories: Baldacci David