TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

froze at Fisher’s words.

“Well, you’re in luck, lady.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m not only security conscious, I’m anal as hell. I’ve lost too many

files over the years that weren’t backed up properly, Sid.”

“Are you saying what I think you are, Jeff?”

“While you were in the kitchen when we were working on trying to decrypt

the file…” He paused somewhat dramatically. “I made a couple copies

of the files on the disk. One on my hard drive and one on another


Sidney couldn’t speak at first. When she did, her response made Fisher

blush. “I love you, Jeff.”

“When do you want to come over so we can finally see what’s on that


“I can’t, Jeff.”

“Why not?”

“I have to go out of town. I want you to send the disk to an address

I’m about to give you. I want you to FedEx it. Drop it off first thing

in the morning. First thing, Jeff.”

“I don’t understand, Sidney.”

“Jeff, you’ve been a big help, but I don’t want you to understand it. I

don’t want you involved any more than you already are. I want you to go

home, get the disk and then go stay at a hotel. The Holiday Inn in Old

Town is near your place. Send me the bill.”


“As soon as the FedEx office opens in Old Town, I want you to drop the

package off,” she repeated. “Then call in to the office, tell them

you’re extending your vacation for a few more days. Where does your

family live?”


“Fine. Go to Boston and stay with them. Send me the bill for your

transportation. Fly first class if you want. Just go.”


“Jeff, I have to get off in a minute so don’t argue with me. You have

to do everything I’ve just told you. It’s the only way you can be

reasonably safe.”

“You’re not kidding, are you?”

“Do you have something to write with?”


She flipped through her address book. “Write down this address.

Send the package there.” She gave him her parents’ mailing address and

phone number in Bell Harbor, Maine. “I’m truly sorry I had to involve

you in this at all, but you’re the only one who could help me.

Thank you.” Sidney hung up.

Fisher put the phone back in its cradle, looked warily around the

darkened area, ran to his car and drove home. He was about to park his

car at the curb when he noticed a black van about a block behind him. As

he squinted in the dark light, Fisher was able to discern two figures in

the front seat of the van. His breathing immediately accelerated.

He did a slow U-turn in the middle of the street and headed back toward

the heart of Old Town. He didn’t look at the driver as he passed by the

van. When he checked his mirror again, the van was following him.

Fisher pulled his car to a stop in front of the two-story brick

building. He looked up at the sign: CYBER@CHAT. Fisher was good

friends with the owner and had even helped set up the computer systems

offered at CyberChat.

The bar stayed open all night and with good justification. Even at this

hour it was three-quarters full, mostly with a college-age crowd who

didn’t have to get up and go to work the next morning.

However, instead of blaring music, rowdy patrons and a smoky atmosphere

(because of the sensitive computer equipment, no smoking was allowed)

the interior was filled with the sounds of computer games and low, often

intense discussions about whatever was tripping its way across the

abundance of computer monitors in the place. The age-old art of

flirting still took place, and men and women roamed the room in search

of companionship, however brief.

Fisher found his friend, the owner, a young man in his twenties, behind

the bar and struck up a friendly conversation. Explaining enough of his

situation to enable his friend to assist him, Fisher discreetly handed

across the piece of paper containing the address in Maine Sidney had

given him. The owner disappeared into the back room. Within five

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Categories: Baldacci David