TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

“First, I’m going to use your phone to put out a worldwide APB on Jason

Archer. Next, I’m going to pick your brain clean for the next hour.

Tomorrow morning I’m going to send a team of agents to Dulles Airport to

find out as much as they can about Jason Archer.

While they’re doing that, I’m going to follow up with a personal

interview of someone who may turn out to be truly integral to this whole


“Who’s that?”

“Sidney Archer.”


Paul Brophy, I’m a partner of Sidney’s, Mr…”

Brophy stood in the foyer of the home, his overnight bag in one hand.

“Bill Patterson. I’m Sidney’s father.”

“She’s spoken of you often, Bill. Sorry we never had a chance to meet

until now. Terrible what happened. I had to come here for your

daughter. She’s one of my closest colleagues. A truly remarkable


Bill Patterson eyed the bag Brophy deposited in one corner of the foyer.

Dressed in a dark blue double-breasted suit, the latest in fashionable

neckwear and glossy black shoes to go with patterned socks, the tall,

lean Brophy cut quite a figure. Something about the smooth manner,

though, the way he was casually moving around the stricken household,

made Patterson frown. He had spent the better part of his working life

with his bullshit radar set on high. His alarm was wailing now.

“She’s got a lot of family here for her… Paul, was it?” Patterson put

particular emphasis on the word family.

Brophy looked at him, sizing up the man quickly. “Yes. There’s nothing

more important than family right now. I hope you don’t think I’m

intruding. That’s the last thing I want to do. I talked to Sidney last

night. She said it was okay. I’ve worked with your daughter for many

years. We’ve been through some legal deals that would send you looking

for the ulcer medicine. But I don’t have to tell you that. You

practically ran Bristol-Aluminum the last five years you were there.

Read about you in the Journal it seems like every month. And that big

spread in Forbes a few years ago when you retired.”

“Business is tough,” the older man agreed, relaxing his manner as he

briefly recalled past triumphs from his business career.

“Well, I know that’s what your competition thought.” Brophy flashed the

friendliest of grins.

Patterson returned it. The guy was probably okay; after all, he had

come all this way. Besides, this was not the morning to start any

problems. “You want something to drink, or eat? You flew down from New

York this morning you say?”

“First shuttle out. If you’ve got some coffee, that would be great ….

Sidney?” Brophy’s eyes eagerly settled on the tall presence entering the


Dressed in black, her mother by her side and similarly attired, Sidney

Archer came down the hallway.

“Hello, Paul.”

Brophy walked quickly over to her, gave her a full hug and a peck on the

cheek that seemed to linger for a few seconds. A little flustered,

Sidney made introductions with her mother.

“So, how’s little Amy taking it?” Brophy asked anxiously.

“She’s staying with a friend. She doesn’t understand what’s happened.”

Sidney’s mother stared at him, her eyes unfriendly.

“Right, that’s right.” Brophy fell back a step. He had never had kids,

but that had still been a stupid question.

Sidney unwittingly helped him. She turned to her mother. “Paul flew

down from New York this morning.”

Her mother nodded absently and then bustled off to the kitchen to start

some breakfast.

Brophy looked at Sidney. Her hair was silky, straw-colored, its color

made more dramatic by the backdrop of the black dress. He found her

gaunt look particularly attractive. Even though he had his own agenda,

Brophy was still taken aback. The woman was beautiful.

“Everyone else is going directly to the chapel. After the service

they’ll come here.” She sounded overwhelmed by the prospect.

Brophy caught the tone. “You just take it easy and when you want to go

off by yourself, I’ll be right there making small talk and keeping

everyone’s plate filled with food. If there’s anything I’ve learned

being a lawyer, it’s how to use a lot of words and never really say

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Categories: Baldacci David