TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci


“Like I care. You into basketball?” Gamble used a cutter to snip off

the back end of his cigar and took a moment to light up.

“Excuse me?”

“NBA. Tall black guys running around in little shorts in return for

shitloads of money.”

“I catch it on the tube when I get a chance.”

“Well, hop in, then.”


“You’ll see. I promise you won’t be bored.”

Sawyer looked up and down the street and shrugged. He jostled his car

keys in his pocket and then looked at the chauffeur. “I got it, buddy.”

Sawyer pulled open the door and climbed in. When he settled back

against the leather he noted Richard Lucas in the rear-facing seat.

Sawyer inclined his head slightly. Triton’s security chief returned the

bare gesture. The Rolls pulled swiftly away.

“You want one?” Gamble held out a cigar. “Cuban. It’s against the law

to import them into this country. I think that’s why I like them so


Sawyer took the offered cigar and snipped off the end with the cutter

Gamble handed him. He looked surprised when Lucas held out a butane

lighter, but accepted the service.

He took a few quick puffs and then a long one as he got it going.

“Not bad. Guess I’ll have to give you a break on the illegal smokes.”

“Thanks tons.”

“By the way, how’d you know where I lived? I hoped you weren’t

following me. I get real jumpy when people do that.”

“I got better things to do than follow you, believe me.”


“So what?” Gamble eyed him.

“So how’d you know where I live?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Actually, it’s a lot to me. In my line of work you don’t broadcast the

place you call home.”

“Okay, let me see, then. What did we do? Look you up in the phone

book?” Gamble abruptly shook his head and his eyes flickered amusement

at Sawyer. “No, that wasn’t it.”

“Good thing, since I don’t happen to be listed.”

“Right. Well, I guess we just knew.” Gamble blew a pair of perfect

smoke rings to the ceiling. “You know, all our computer technology.

We’re Big Brother, we know everything.” Gamble chuckled while he puffed

on his cigar and looked over at Lucas.

Lucas caught Sawyer’s eye. “Actually, Frank Hardy told us. In

confidence, of course. We don’t intend to spread that information

around. I understand your concern.” Richard Lucas paused. “Just

between us,” he added, “I was with the CIA for ten years.”

“Ah, Rich, I just had him going too.” The smell of liquor on Gamble’s

breath permeated the car. He reached across and opened a small door

built into the wood paneling of the Rolls. A well-stocked bar was

revealed. “You look like a scotch and soda man.”

“I had my fill at dinner.”

Gamble filled up an etched china glass with the contents of a bottle of

Johnnie Walker. Sawyer glanced over at Lucas, who looked on calmly

enough. Apparently this was fairly routine.

“Actually, I didn’t think I’d be hearing from you after our little chat

the other day,” said Sawyer.

“The simple answer to that is you took me down a peg and I probably

deserved it. Actually, I was testing you with my big-shot ass-hole

routine and you passed with flying colors. As you can imagine, I don’t

meet that many people with the balls big enough to do that.

When I do, I like to get better acquainted. Plus in light of recent

developments I want to talk to you about the case.”

“Recent developments?”

Gamble took a sip of his drink. “You know what I’m talking about.

Sidney Archer? New Orleans? RTG? I just got off the horn with Hardy.”

“You work pretty fast. I just left him not more than twenty minutes


Gamble pulled a tiny portable phone from a receptacle on the Rolls’s

rear console. “Remember, Sawyer, I operate in the private sector.

You don’t move fast, you don’t move at all, get it?”

Sawyer pulled on his cigar before answering. “I’m beginning to.

By the way, you never did say where we’re going.”

“Didn’t I? Well, sit tight. We’ll be there shortly. And then we can

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Categories: Baldacci David