TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

“We had many pleasant discussions about it.”

“And Gamble is acutely aware of the consequences of another company

acquiring CyberCom. I have to believe that he will come to his senses

over the records issue.”

Rowe nodded. “One can only hope,” he said quickly. Sidney glanced at

the diamond studs in his earlobe. They seemed to be the only

extravagance about the man, and a small one at that. A millionaire

several hundred times over, Rowe lived much like the impoverished

college student he had been ten years ago. Finally Rowe broke the

silence. “Jason and I talked about the future a lot, in fact.

He was a very special person.” He seemed to share the depths of Sidney’s

misery whenever Jason’s name was mentioned. “I guess you won’t be

working on the CyberCom matter anymore?”

“The attorney who’s replacing me is top-notch. You won’t miss a beat.”

“Oh, good.” He sounded extremely unconvinced.

She rose and gripped his shoulder. “Quentin, this deal will get done.”

She noted his empty teacup. “Would you like some more tea?”

“What? Uh, no, no, thanks.” He collapsed back into deep thought,

rubbing his thin hands nervously. When he snatched a look at her,

Sidney thought she knew what was on his mind.

“I had an impromptu meeting with Nathan recently.”

Rowe slowly nodded. “He told me something of it.”

“So you know about Jason’s ‘trip’?”

“That he told you he was going for a job interview?”

“What company?” The question was asked very matter-of-factly.

Sidney hesitated and then decided to answer. “Allege raPort


Rowe snorted. “I could’ve told you that was a joke. Allege raPort will

be out of business in less than two years. They were on the cutting

edge a while back, but they let the industry pass them by. You grow and

keep innovating in this field or you die. Jason would never have

seriously considered going with them.”

“As it turned out, he didn’t. They had never heard of him.”

Rowe was obviously already privy to this information. “Could it have

been something else… I don’t quite know how to put this…”

“Personal? Another woman?”

Like an embarrassed child, Rowe mumbled, “I shouldn’t have said that.

It’s none of my business.”

“No, it’s all right. I can’t tell you that the thought never crossed my

mind. However, our relationship recently was the best it’s ever been.”

“So he never indicated to you that anything was going on in his life?

Nothing that would have prompted him to… to take a trip to L.A., and

not to tell you the truth about it?”

Sidney looked wary. Was this all a fishing expedition? Had Gamble

perhaps sent his second-in-command over to glean some information?

When she looked at Rowe’s troubled expression, she swiftly concluded

that he had come here on his own in an attempt to figure out what had

happened to his employee and friend.

“Nothing. Jason never really talked to me about work. I have no idea

what he was doing. I wish to God I did. It’s the not knowing that’s

killing me.” She debated whether to ask Rowe about the new locks on

Jason’s door and Kay Vincent’s other concerns, but finally decided not


After an awkward silence, Rowe stirred. “I have those personal items of

Jason’s you came to the office for in the car. After I was so rude to

you, I thought it best to bring them myself.”

“Thank you, Quentin. Believe me when I tell you I harbor no hard

feelings. It’s a rough time for us all.”

Rowe thanked her with a smile as he stood up. “I have to be going. I’ll

go get the box. If you need anything, just let me know.”

After bringing in the items, Rowe said his good-byes and turned to

leave. Sidney touched him on the shoulder.

“Nathan Gamble won’t be looking over your shoulder forever.

Everyone knows who’s really behind the success of Triton Global.”

He looked surprised. “You really think so?”

“It’s hard to hide genius.”

He breathed deeply. “I don’t know. Gamble seems to keep surprising me

in that regard.”

He turned and walked slowly back to his car.


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Categories: Baldacci David