TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

changed. He looked like he was a college student, dressed in a

sweatsuit, different hair, everything.”

“How did you know it was him, then?”

“Two reasons. First, the rest room had just opened after being cleaned

when your husband went in. I watched that door like a hawk. No one

remotely resembling the guy who later came out had gone in there.

Second, the black tennis shoes were very distinctive.

He probably should have worn a more low-key pair. It was your husband,

all right. And you want to know something else?”

Sidney could barely get the words out. “Tell me.”

“The other guy came out wearing your husband’s hat. With the hat on, he

could’ve passed as your husband’s twin.”

Sidney took a deep breath as this revelation settled in.

“Your husband got in line for the flight to Seattle. He took the same

white envelope the other guy had been carrying out of his pocket. In it

was the plane ticket and boarding pass for the Seattle flight. The

other guy got on the flight to L.A.”

“Meaning they made a ticket switch in the rest room. The other man was

dressed to look like Jason in case anyone was watching.”

“That’s right.” He nodded slowly. “Your husband wanted someone to think

he was on the L.A. flight.”

“But why?” Sidney said this more to herself than to him.

The man shrugged. “I don’t know. I do know that the plane your husband

was supposed to be on crashed. Then I was even more suspicious.”

“Did you go to the police?”

The man shook his head. “And tell them what? It’s not like I saw a

bomb being put on that flight. Besides, I had my own reasons for

keeping quiet.”

“What sort of reasons?”

The man put up one hand and shook his head. “Let’s just leave it at

that for now.”

“How did you find out my husband’s identity? I’m assuming you didn’t

know him by sight?”

“Never laid eyes on him before. But I made a couple of casual passes by

before he went into the rest room. He had a name and ad dress label on

his briefcase. I’m real good at reading things upside down. It didn’t

take me long to find out where he worked, what he did for a living, more

info than I’d ever need to know. I also found out the same things about

you. That’s when I started following you.

To tell you the truth, I didn’t know if you were in any danger or not.”

He spoke matter-of-factly; however, Sidney’s blood ran cold at this

unexpected intrusion in her life.

“Then while I’m down talking to a friend of mine at the Fairfax police,

an APB with your husband’s photo came over the wire.

That’s when I took up your trail in earnest. I thought you might lead

me to him.”

“Oh.” Sidney settled back in her chair. Then a thought struck her.

“How did you follow me to New Orleans?”

“The very first thing I did was tap your phone.” He ignored her

surprised expression. “I needed to know quickly where you were going to

go. I heard your conversation with your husband. He seemed

particularly evasive.”

The plane droned on through the dark skies, and Sidney Archer touched

the man’s sleeve. “You said you weren’t FBI. Who are you, then? Why

are you involved in this?”

The man scanned the aisle for several seconds before answering.

When he looked back at her, he sighed. ‘Tm a private investigator, Ms.

Archer. The case that is now occupying me pretty much full time is your


“Who hired you?”

“Nobody.” He looked around again before continuing. “I thought your

husband might try to contact you. Eventually he did. That’s why I’m

here. But it seems New Orleans was a bust. That was him on the pay

phone, wasn’t it? The shoe shine guy slipped you a note, right?”

Sidney Archer hesitated, then nodded her head.

“Did your husband give you any clue where he might be?”

Sidney shook her head. “He said he would contact me later. When it was


The man almost laughed. “That might be a long time. A real long time,

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Categories: Baldacci David