TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

Damn you.” The Ford swerved slightly off the road and she had to

struggle to bring it back on. She slowed down once again as the vehicle

hit a major rut. The jolt went through her entire body. It was getting

harder to see in the swirling snow.

“Sid, please, please calm down.” Rowe’s voice was suddenly panicked.

“Listen, I didn’t mean to upset you further. I’m sorry.” He paused,

then quickly added, “Can I do anything for you?”

“Yeah, you can tell every friggin’ person at Triton to drop dead.

Why don’t you go first?” She clicked the off button and tossed the phone

down. The tears were pouring so fast she finally had to pull off the

road. Shaking as if she had just been plunged into ice, Sidney finally

undid her seat restraint and lay across the front seat, one arm covering

her face for several minutes. Then she put the Ford back into gear and

took to the road once more. Despite her evident exhaustion, her

thoughts moved as fast as the V-6-powered Explorer.

Jason had been terrified of her upcoming meeting with Triton.

He probably had the job interview story ready in case of an emergency.

Her meeting with Nathan Gamble and company had qualified as such. But

why? What could he possibly have been involved in? All those late

nights? His reticence? What had he been doing?

She looked at the dashboard clock and noted the time creeping

relentlessly toward four A.M. While her mind was functioning in high

gear, the rest of her wasn’t. Her eyes would now barely stay open, and

she had to address the obvious concern of where she would spend what was

left of the night. She was coming up to Route 29.

When she turned onto the highway, she went south instead of retracing

her route north. A half hour later Sidney cruised through the empty

streets of Charlottesville. She drove past the Holiday Inn and other

possibilities for lodging and finally turned off Route 29 onto Ivy Road.

She soon entered the parking lot of the Boar’s Head Inn, one of the

area’s best-known resorts.

Within twenty minutes she had signed in and was slowly pushing her

near-immobile limbs between the sheets in a well-appointed room with

beautiful vistas that at the moment she cared nothing about. What a day

of nightmares, all of them absolutely real. It was her last conscious

thought. Two hours before dawn, Sidney Archer finally fell asleep.


At three o’clock in the morning, Seattle time, the thick clouds spilled

open and delivered still more rain to the area. The guard huddled in

the small guard shack, his feet and hands close to the floor heater. In

one corner of the structure a steady stream of water trickled down the

wall, forming a puddle on the ragged green carpet.

The guard wearily checked the time. Four hours to go before his watch

was over. He poured out the last of the hot coffee from his thermos and

longed for a warm bed. Each building was leased by different companies.

Some of the buildings simply stood empty, but all were secure regardless

of their contents, with armed guards on-site twenty-four hours a day.

The high metal fence had barbed wire at the top, although not the deadly

razor wire favored at prison facilities.

Video monitors were discreetly placed throughout the area.

It would be a difficult place to break into.

Difficult, but far from impossible.

The figure was clad head to foot in black. It took him less than a

minute to climb the fence in the back of the warehouse facility,

expertly avoiding the sharp wire. Once over the fence, he slipped in

and out of the shadows as the rain continued to pour down, completely

covering the slight sounds that his quick-moving feet made.

On his left sleeve was a miniature electronic jamming device. He passed

three video cameras on the way to his destination; none of them captured

his image.

Reaching the side door of Building 22, he pulled a slender’ wire-like

device from his knapsack and inserted it in the sturdy padlock.

Ten seconds later the lock hung loose.

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Categories: Baldacci David