TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

he could truly sink his deadly blade in. He moved forward.

When Sidney’s cab pulled up, she caught a reflection in the window of

the vehicle. The man was only focused on her for an instant, but with

her nerves set on high, it was long enough. She whirled around and

their eyes locked for one terrifying moment. The same devilish eyes

from the limo. Scales cursed and raced forward. Sidney jumped in the

cab and it roared off. Scales pushed several people waiting ahead of

him in line aside, threw the protesting cab stand attendant to the

pavement and leaped into the next available cab. It sped after Sidney.

Sidney looked behind her. Through the darkness and driving sleet she

couldn’t make out much. However, traffic was relatively light at this

time of the morning and she saw a pair of headlights swiftly

approaching. She ran back. “I know I’m going crazy, but

we’re being followed.” She gave the driver another destination.

He made a hard left, then a sharp right and roared down an empty side

street and then back out onto Fifth Avenue.

Sidney’s cab pulled to a stop in front of a skyscraper. She jumped out

and raced toward the entrance, pulling something out of her purse as she

did so. She stuck the access card into the slot in the wall and the

door clicked open. She went inside, pulling the door closed behind her.

The security guard at the granite console in the lobby looked up

sleepily. Sidney dug once more in her bag and produced her Tyler, Stone

ID card. The guard nodded and slumped back in his chair.

Sidney glanced back once more as she hit the elevator button. Only one

elevator car was activated this early in the morning. The second cab

screeched to a stop in front of the building and a man jumped out and

raced over to the glass doors and pounded on them. Sidney watched as

the guard got up from his chair.

Sidney called to him. “I think that man was following me. He might be

a nut. Please be careful.”

The guard eyed her for a minute and then nodded. He looked back over at

the doorway. One hand slipped down to the pistol in his holster as he

strode over to the doorway. Sidney glanced back once more before she

got on the elevator. The guard was looking up and down the street.

Sidney breathed a sigh of relief and got on the elevator, hitting the

button for the twenty-third floor. Moments later she entered the

darkened Tyler, Stone suite and hurried into an office. She hit a

light, pulled out her address book, consulted a phone number and dialed.

She was calling her parents’ longtime neighbor and family friend,

seventy-year-old Ruth Childs. Ruth answered the phone on the first

ring, and from her brisk tone it was clear, despite it being a little

after six in the morning, that she had been up for a while. Ruth

tenderly commiserated with Sidney over her recent loss and then, in

response to Sidney’s query, reported that the Pattersons and Amy had

left yesterday around two o’clock after hastily packing for their trip.

“I saw your father put his shotgun case in the trunk, Sidney,” Ruth said


“I wonder why,” was Sidney’s weak response. She was about to say

good-bye when Ruth said something that made Sidney’s heart skip a. beat.

“I have to admit I was kind of worried the night before they left.

There was a car driving by at all hours. I don’t sleep much, and when I

do, it doesn’t take much to wake me up. It’s a quiet neighborhood, you

know that. Nothing out here unless you’re going to see someone for a

visit. The car was back yesterday morning.”

“Did you see anyone in the car?” Sidney’s voice was trembling.

“No, my eyes aren’t what they used to be, even with trifocals.”

“Is the car still there?”

“Oh, no. It left right after your parents did. Good riddance, ! say.

I’ve got my baseball bat by the door, though. Just let somebody try to

break in my house. They’ll wish they hadn’t.”

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Categories: Baldacci David