TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

some point Sidney Archer would risk turning on a light and the deadly

power of the shotgun would quickly devastate everything in the small

room, including him.

Breathing quietly, he gripped his knife with his good hand, looked

around the confines of the living room and waited. His arm stung

terribly; Scales was far more used to inflicting pain than receiving it.

He listened to Sidney’s footsteps as she proceeded cautiously down the

stairs. He was sure the shotgun was making wide sweeps of the area.

From out of the darkness, he cautiously raised his head an inch or so

above the top of the sofa. His eyes instantly riveted on her. She was

halfway down the stairs. So intent was she on locating her quarry, she

did not see a piece of the bedroom door that had landed on the stairs.

When she unwittingly placed her weight fully on it, the piece slipped

free and both her feet flew out from under her. With a scream, she

tumbled down the stairs, the shotgun smashing against the railing. In

an instant he pounced. As the pair rolled along the hardwood floor, he

pounded her head against it. She kicked furiously against his chest and

ribs with her heavy boots.

Then she twisted away just as he struck savagely with his knife. The

blow missed barely, tearing through the inside of her jacket instead of

her flesh. A white object that had been in Sidney’s pocket was

dislodged from the impact of the blow and floated to the floor.

Sidney managed to grab the shotgun and delivered a terrific blow to

Scales’s face with the butt of the solid Winchester, breaking his nose

and knocking out several front teeth. Stunned, Scales dropped his knife

and fell back for an instant. Then, furious, he wrenched the shotgun

free, turning it on a dazed Sidney Archer. In a panic she hurled

herself several feet away but was still easily in range. His finger

pulled the trigger, but the muzzle remained silent. The fall down the

stairs and the ensuing struggle had jammed the weapon.

Sidney, her head bursting with pain from the earlier blow, desperately

crawled away. With a vicious snarl, Scales threw the useless shotgun

away and stood up, blood streaming down his shirt from his torn mouth

and rearranged nose. He picked up his knife where it had fallen and

advanced with murderous eyes toward Sidney. When he lifted the blade to

strike, Sidney whirled around, the 9mm pointed right at him. A split

second before she fired, however, he exploded into an acrobatic leap

that carried him over the dining room table. She held the trigger down,

throwing the 9mm into full auto maric fire, the Hydra-Shok slugs tracing

an explosive pattern across the wall as she tried desperately to follow

the path of his impromptu flight. Scales hit the polished wood floor

hard, his momentum sending him headlong into the wall. As his torso

whiplashed sideways from the impact with the wall, he crashed into the

legs of an ornate mahogany sideboard. The slender mahogany legs snapped

like matchsticks and the heavy piece collapsed right on top of him,

spewing its contents across the room as drawers flew open from the fall.

Scales did not move after that.

Sidney jumped up, ran through the kitchen, grabbed her purse off the

counter and fled down the stairs to the garage. A minute later the

garage door splintered and erupted outward and the Land Rover careened

through the savaged opening, did a 180-degree spin in the driveway and

disappeared into the snowstorm.

As Sidney looked in her rearview mirror, she saw a pair of headlights.

Her heart skipped a beat as she watched the big Cadillac pull into the

driveway of the house she had just left. The blood drained from her

face. Omigod! Her parents were finally here and the timing could not

have been worse. She swung the truck around, plowing through a

snowdrift, and raced back toward her parents’ house.

Then her problem was suddenly compounded as she caught sight of another

pair of headlights coming down from the direction her parents had come.

She watched in steadily growing fear as the black sedan moved down the

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Categories: Baldacci David