TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

sued for your husband. If you didn’t already know it, every cop in the

world right now is looking for him.”

Sidney’s eyes glistened as the incredible words sunk in. Her husband, a

fugitive sought worldwide. She looked at Sawyer. “Did you know all

this when you were here the first time?”

Sawyer’s expression became slightly pained. He finally said, “Some of

it.” Sawyer shifted uneasily in his chair while Jackson picked up for

his partner.

“If your husband didn’t do the things he’s accused of doing, then he’s

got nothing to worry about on our end. We can’t speak for anybody

else’s agenda, though.”

Sidney riveted her gaze on him. “What do you mean by that?”

Jackson shrugged his broad shoulders. “Let’s say he didn’t do anything

wrong. We know beyond doubt that he wasn’t on that plane.

So where is he? If he had maybe missed the plane by accident, he

would’ve gotten on the horn right away to you, to let you know he was

okay. That didn’t happen. Why? The partial answer to that is that

he’s got himself involved in something not exactly legit. On top of

that, the kind of planning and execution we’re looking at on this one

leads us to believe that it’s more than a one-man show.” Jackson paused

and looked over at Sawyer, who nodded slightly. Jackson continued. “Ms.

Archer, the man we suspect actually sabotaged that plane was found

murdered in his apartment. It looked like he was getting ready to leave

the country, but somebody had a change in plans for him.”

Sidney mouthed the word slowly. “Murdered.” She thought of Edward Page

lying in a vast pool of his own blood. Dying right after talking to

her. She pulled the blanket tighter around her. She hesitated,

debating whether to tell the agents about talking with Page.

Then, for a reason she could not precisely pinpoint, she decided not to.

She drew a deep breath. “What are your questions?”

“First, I’ll let you in on a little theory of mine.” Sawyer paused for a

moment, compiling his thoughts. “For the moment, we’ll accept your

story that you went down to New Orleans on a whim. We followed you down

there. We also know that your parents and your daughter left this house

shortly after you did.”

“So? Why should they stay here?” Sidney looked around the interior of

her once beloved house. What is here anymore except misery.)

“Right. But see, you left, we left and your parents left.” He paused.

“If this has a point, I’m afraid I’m not getting it.”

Sawyer abruptly rose and stood with his broad back to the fire while he

looked down at Sidney. He spread his arms wide. “There was no one

here, Sidney. The place was completely unguarded. Regardless of why

you went to New Orleans, it had the effect of drawing us off. And that

left no one watching your house. Now do you see?”

Despite the fire’s warmth, a sudden chill stalked through Sidney’s

veins. She had been a diversion. Jason knew the authorities had been

watching her. He had used her. Used her to get at something in this


Sawyer and Jackson watched Sidney carefully. They could almost see the

powerful mental gymnastics flowing behind her forehead.

Sidney looked our the window. Her eyes swept across the gray blazer

lying over the rocking chair. The disk resting in the inside pocket.

She suddenly wanted to hasten this interview to an end.

“There’s nothing here anyone could want.”

“Nothing?” Jackson sounded skeptical. “Your husband didn’t keep any

files or records here? Nothing like that?”

“Not from work. Triton is very paranoid about things like that.”

Sawyer slowly nodded. Based on his own experience with Triton, that was

one statement he could readily believe. “Nonetheless, Sidney, you might

want to give it some thought. You haven’t noticed anything missing or


Sidney slowly shook her head. “I haven’t really looked, though.”

Jackson stirred. “Well, if you don’t have an objection, we could search

the house right now.” He looked over at his partner, who had raised his

eyebrows at the request. Then Jackson looked at Sidney, waiting for her

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Categories: Baldacci David