TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

She made her tea and then on impulse raced up the stairs to the

bathroom. She looked at her face in the mirror. A little fuller than

when they had first married. She abruptly stripped off her sleeping

gown and underwear. She looked from the front, side and, finally, the

back, holding up a hand mirror to check this most depressing angle.

Pregnancy had done some damage; the stomach had pretty much recovered,

but her bottom was definitely not as firm. Were her breasts sagging?

The hips did seem slightly wider than before. Not so unusual after

giving birth. With nervous fingers she pinched the millimeter of extra

skin under her chin as acute depression sunk in.

Jason’s body was as iron-hard as it had been when they first started

dating. Her husband’s amazing physique and classic good looks were only

part of a very attractive package that included a remarkable intellect.

The package would be immensely attractive to every woman Sidney knew and

certainly most of those she didn’t. As she traced her jawline she

gasped as she realized what she was doing. A highly intelligent,

well-respected attorney, she was examining herself like a piece of meat,

just as generations of men had routinely’ done to womankind. She threw

her gown back on. She was attractive. Jason loved her. He was going

to work to catch up on things. He was building his career rapidly.

Soon, both their dreams would be fulfilled.

His to run his own company; hers to be a full-time mother to Amy and the

other children they expected to have. If that sounded like a 1950s

sitcom, so be it, because that’s exactly what the Archers wanted. And

Jason, she firmly believed, was right this minute working furiously to

get there.

At about the time Sidney wandered off to bed, Jason Archer stopped at a

pay phone and dialed a number he had memorized long before. The call

was answered immediately.

“Hello, Jason.”

“I’m telling you this has to be over soon, or I may not make it.”

“Bad dreams again?” The tone managed to sound sympathetic and

patronizing at the same time.

“You’re implying that they come and go. Actually they’re always with

me,” Jason curtly replied.

“It won’t be long now.” The voice was now reassuring.

“You’re sure they’re not on to me? I get these funny feelings, like

everyone’s watching me.”

“It’s normal, Jason. Happens all the time. If you were in trouble,

we’d know it, believe me. We’ve been through this before.”

“I have believed you. I just hope that belief is not misplaced.”

Jason’s voice grew more tense. “I’m not a pro at this. Dammit, it’s

getting to me.”

“We understand that. Don’t go crazy on us now. As I said, it’s almost

over. A few more items and then you officially retire.”

“Look, I don’t understand why we can’t go with what I’ve already


“Jason, it’s not your job to think about those things. We need to dig a

little deeper and you’re just going to have to accept that. Keep your

head up. We’re not exactly babes in the woods on things like this;

we’ve got it all planned out. You just hold up your end and we’re fine.

Everybody will be fine.”

“Well, I’m going to finish up tonight, that’s for damn sure. Do we use

the same drop routine?”

“No. This time it’ll be a personal exchange.”

Jason’s tone registered surprise. “Why?”

“We’re nearing the end and any mistakes could jeopardize the entire

operation. While we have no reason to believe they’re on to you, we

can’t be absolutely sure we’re not being watched. Remember, we’re all

taking chances here. Drops are usually safe, but there’s always a

margin of error built in. A face-to-face out of the area with fresh

people eliminates that margin, simple as that. It keeps you safer too.

And your family.”

“My family? What the hell do they have to do with this?”

“Don’t be stupid, Jason. These are high stakes. The risks were

explained to you from the start. It’s a violent world. Understand?”


“Everything will be fine. You just have to follow the instructions to

the letter. To the letter.” The last three words were said with

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Categories: Baldacci David