Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

fancied that I recognized Mazarin himself.”

The sergeant burst into a fit of laughter.

“He!” he cried; “he venture himself amongst us, to be hung!

Not so foolish as all that.”

“Ah!” muttered Athos, “I may be mistaken, I haven’t the

unerring eye of D’Artagnan.”

“Who is speaking of Monsieur D’Artagnan?” asked an officer

who appeared at that moment upon the threshold of the room.

“What!” cried Aramis and Athos, “what! Planchet!”

“Planchet,” added Grimaud; “Planchet, with a gorget,


“Ah, gentlemen!” cried Planchet, “so you are back again in

Paris. Oh, how happy you make us! no doubt you come to join

the princes!”

“As thou seest, Planchet,” said Aramis, whilst Athos smiled

on seeing what important rank was held in the city militia

by the former comrade of Mousqueton, Bazin and Grimaud.

“And Monsieur d’Artagnan, of whom you spoke just now,

Monsieur d’Herblay; may I ask if you have any news of him?”

“We parted from him four days ago and we have reason to

believe that he has reached Paris before us.”

“No, sir; I am sure he hasn’t yet arrived. But then he may

have stopped at Saint Germain.”

“I don’t think so; we appointed to meet at La Chevrette.”

“I was there this very day.”

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“And had the pretty Madeleine no news?” asked Aramis,


“No, sir, and it must be admitted that she seemed very


“In fact,” said Aramis, “there is no time lost and we made

our journey quickly. Permit me, then, my dear Athos, without

inquiring further about our friend, to pay my respects to M.


“Ah, monsieur le chevalier,” said Planchet, bowing.

“Lieutenant?” asked Aramis.

“Lieutenant, with a promise of becoming captain.”

“‘Tis capital; and pray, how did you acquire all these


“In the first place, gentlemen, you know that I was the

means of Monsieur de Rochefort’s escape; well, I was very

near being hung by Mazarin and that made me more popular

than ever.”

“So, owing to your popularity —- ”

“No; thanks to something better. You know, gentlemen, that I

served the Piedmont regiment and had the honor of being a



“Well, one day when no one could drill a mob of citizens,

who began to march, some with the right foot, others with

the left, I succeeded, I did, in making them all begin with

the same foot, and I was made lieutenant on the spot.”

“So I presume,” said Athos, “that you have a large number of

the nobles with you?”

“Certainly. There are the Prince de Conti, the Duc de

Longueville, the Duc de Beaufort, the Duc de Bouillon, the

Marechal de la Mothe, the Marquis de Sevigne, and I don’t

know who, for my part.”

“And the Vicomte Raoul de Bragelonne?” inquired Athos, in a

tremulous voice. “D’Artagnan told me that he had recommended

him to your care, in parting.”

“Yes, count; nor have I lost sight of him for a single

instant since.”

“Then,” said Athos in a tone of delight, “he is well? no

accident has happened to him?”

“None, sir.”

“And he lives?”

“Still at the Hotel of the Great Charlemagne.”

“And passes his time?”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Sometimes with the queen of England, sometimes with Madame

de Chevreuse. He and the Count de Guiche are like each

other’s shadows.”

“Thanks, Planchet, thanks!” cried Athos, extending his hand

to the lieutenant.

“Oh, sir!” Planchet only touched the tips of the count’s


“Well, what are you doing, count — to a former lackey?

“My friend,” said Athos, “he has given me news of Raoul.”

“And now, gentlemen,” said Planchet, who had not heard what

they were saying, “what do you intend to do?”

“Re-enter Paris, if you will let us, my good Planchet.”

“Let you. sir? Now, as ever, I am nothing but your servant.”

Then turning to his men:

“Allow these gentlemen to pass,” he said; “they are friends

of the Duc de Beaufort.”

“Long live the Duc de Beaufort!” cried the sentinels.

The sergeant drew near to Planchet.

“What! without passports?” he murmured.

“Without passports,” said Planchet.

“Take notice, captain,” he continued, giving Planchet his

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre