Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

almost imperceptible shake of his head.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“What do you say of this?” asked the queen.

“I say that she is a hostage for the Parisians,” answered

the cardinal.

“Why is she not come?” asked the prince in a low voice,

addressing his brother.

“Silence,” whispered the duke, “she has her reasons.”

“She will ruin us!” returned the prince.

“She will save us,” said Conti.

Carriages now arrived in crowds; those of the Marechal de

Villeroy, Guitant, Villequier and Comminges came into the

line. The two musketeers arrived in their turn, holding the

horses of D’Artagnan and Porthos in their hands. These two

instantly mounted, the coachman of the latter replacing

D’Artagnan on the coach-box of the royal coach. Mousqueton

took the place of the coachman, and drove standing, for

reasons known to himself, like Automedon of antiquity.

The queen, though occupied by a thousand details, tried to

catch the Gascon’s eye; but he, with his wonted prudence,

had mingled with the crowd.

“Let us be the avant guard,” said he to Porthos, “and find

good quarters at Saint Germain; nobody will think of us, and

for my part I am greatly fatigued.”

“As for me,” replied Porthos, “I am falling asleep, which is

strange, considering we have not had any fighting; truly the

Parisians are idiots.”

“Or rather, we are very clever,” said D’Artagnan.


“And how is your wrist?”

“Better; but do you think that we’ve got them this time?”

“Got what?”

“You your command, and I my title?”

“I’faith! yes — I should expect so; besides, if they

forget, I shall take the liberty of reminding them.”

“The queen’s voice! she is speaking,” said Porthos; “I think

she wants to ride on horseback.”

“Oh, she would like it, but —- ”

“But what?”

“The cardinal won’t allow it. Gentlemen,” he said,

addressing the two musketeers, “accompany the royal

carriage, we are going forward to look for lodgings.”

D’Artagnan started off for Saint Germain, followed by


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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“We will go on, gentlemen,” said the queen.

And the royal carriage drove on, followed by the other

coaches and about fifty horsemen.

They reached Saint German without any accident; on

descending, the queen found the prince awaiting her,

bare-headed, to offer her his hand.

“What an awakening for the Parisians!” said the queen,


“It is war,” said the prince.

“Well, then, let it be war! Have we not on our side the

conqueror of Rocroy, of Nordlingen, of Lens?”

The prince bowed low.

It was then three o’clock in the morning. The queen walked

first, every one followed her. About two hundred persons had

accompanied her in her flight.

“Gentlemen,” said the queen, laughing, “pray take up your

abode in the chateau; it is large, and there will be no want

of room for you all; but, as we never thought of coming

here, I am informed that there are, in all, only three beds

in the whole establishment, one for the king, one for me

—- ”

“And one for the cardinal,” muttered the prince.

“Am I — am I, then, to sleep on the floor?” asked Gaston

d’Orleans, with a forced smile.

“No, my prince,” replied Mazarin, “the third bed is intended

for your highness.”

“But your eminence?” replied the prince.

“I,” answered Mazarin, “I shall not sleep at all; I have

work to do.”

Gaston desired that he should be shown into the room wherein

he was to sleep, without in the least concerning himself as

to where his wife and daughter were to repose.

“Well, for my part, I shall go to bed,” said D’Artagnan;

“come, Porthos.”

Porthos followed the lieutenant with that profound

confidence he ever had in the wisdom of his friend. They

walked from one end of the chateau to the other, Porthos

looking with wondering eyes at D’Artagnan, who was counting

on his fingers.

“Four hundred, at a pistole each, four hundred pistoles.”

“Yes,” interposed Porthos, “four hundred pistoles; but who

is to make four hundred pistoles?”

“A pistole is not enough,” said D’Artagnan, “’tis worth a


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“What is worth a louis?”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre