Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

Rochefort, laughing. “I answer for his consent.”

“How soon can he be here?”

“In five days.”

“Let him come and he will find a change, I will answer for


“Therefore, go and collect your fifty men and hold yourself

in readiness.”

“For what?”

“For everything.”

“Is there any signal for the general rally?”

“A knot of straw in the hat.”

“Very good. Adieu, my lord.”

“Adieu, my dear Rochefort.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Ah, Monsieur Mazarin, Monsieur Mazarin,” said Rochefort,

leading off his curate, who had not found an opportunity of

uttering a single word during the foregoing dialogue, “you

will see whether I am too old to be a man of action.”

It was half-past nine o’clock and the coadjutor required

half an hour to go from the archbishop’s palace to the tower

of St. Jacques de la Boucherie. He remarked that a light was

burning in one of the highest windows of the tower. “Good,”

said he, “our syndic is at his post.”

He knocked and the door was opened. The vicar himself

awaited him, conducted him to the top of the tower, and when

there pointed to a little door, placed the light which he

had brought with him in a corner of the wall, that the

coadjutor might be able to find it on his return, and went

down again. Although the key was in the door the coadjutor


“Come in,” said a voice which he recognized as that of the

mendicant, whom he found lying on a kind of truckle bed. He

rose on the entrance of the coadjutor, and at that moment

ten o’clock struck.

“Well,” said Gondy, “have you kept your word with me?”

“Not exactly,” replied the mendicant.

“How is that?”

“You asked me for five hundred men, did you not? Well, I

have ten thousand for you.”

“You are not boasting?”

“Do you wish for a proof?”


There were three candles alight, each of which burnt before

a window, one looking upon the city, the other upon the

Palais Royal, and a third upon the Rue Saint Denis.

The man went silently to each of the candles and blew them

out one after the other.

“What are you doing?” asked the coadjutor.

“I have given the signal.”

“For what?”

“For the barricades. When you leave this you will behold my

men at work. Only take care you do not break your legs in

stumbling over some chain or your neck by falling in a


“Good! there is your money, the same sum as that you have

received already. Now remember that you are a general and do

not go and drink.”

“For twenty years I have tasted nothing but water.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

The man took the bag from the hands of the coadjutor, who

heard the sound of his fingers counting and handling the

gold pieces.

“Ah! ah!” said the coadjutor, “you are avaricious, my good


The mendicant sighed and threw down the bag.

“Must I always be the same?” said he, “and shall I never

succeed in overcoming the old leaven? Oh, misery, oh,


“You take it, however.”

“Yes, but I make hereby a vow in your presence, to employ

all that remains to me in pious works.”

His face was pale and drawn, like that of a man who had just

undergone some inward struggle.

“Singular man!” muttered Gondy, taking his hat to go away;

but on turning around he saw the beggar between him and the

door. His first idea was that this man intended to do him

some harm, but on the contrary he saw him fall on his knees

before him with his hands clasped.

“Your blessing, your holiness, before you go, I beseech

you!” he cried.

“Your holiness!” said Gondy; “my friend, you take me for

some one else.”

“No, your holiness, I take you for what you are, that is to

say, the coadjutor; I recognized you at the first glance.”

Gondy smiled. “And you want my blessing?” he said.

“Yes, I have need of it.”

The mendicant uttered these words in a tone of such

humility, such earnest repentance, that Gondy placed his

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre