Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

the panels of his carriage were not capacious enough to

contain the armorial bearings he had ordered to be painted

on them. They were both aroused at seven o’clock by the

entrance of an unliveried servant, who brought a letter for


“From whom?” asked the Gascon.

“From the queen,” replied the servant.

“Ho!” said Porthos, raising himself in his bed; “what does

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she say?”

D’Artagnan requested the servant to wait in the next room

and when the door was closed he sprang up from his bed and

read rapidly, whilst Porthos looked at him with starting

eyes, not daring to ask a single question.

“Friend Porthos,” said D’Artagnan, handing the letter to

him, “this time, at least, you are sure of your title of

baron, and I of my captaincy. Read for yourself and judge.”

Porthos took the letter and with a trembling voice read the

following words:

“The queen wishes to speak to Monsieur d’Artagnan, who must

follow the bearer.”

“Well!” exclaimed Porthos; “I see nothing in that very


“But I see much that is very extraordinary in it,” replied

D’Artagnan. “It is evident, by their sending for me, that

matters are becoming complicated. Just reflect a little what

an agitation the queen’s mind must be in for her to have

remembered me after twenty years.”

“It is true,” said Porthos.

“Sharpen your sword, baron, load your pistols, and give some

corn to the horses, for I will answer for it,

something lightning-like will happen ere to-morrow.”

“But, stop; do you think it can be a trap that they are

laying for us?” suggested Porthos, incessantly thinking how

his greatness must be irksome to inferior people.

“If it is a snare,” replied D’Artagnan, “I shall scent it

out, be assured. If Mazarin is an Italian, I am a Gascon.”

And D’Artagnan dressed himself in an instant.

Whilst Porthos, still in bed, was hooking on his cloak for

him, a second knock at the door was heard.

“Come in,” exclaimed D’Artagnan; and another servant


“From His Eminence, Cardinal Mazarin,” presenting a letter.

D’Artagnan looked at Porthos.

“A complicated affair,” said Porthos; “where will you


“It is arranged capitally; his eminence expects me in half

an hour.”


“My friend,” said D’Artagnan, turning to the servant, “tell

his eminence that in half an hour I shall be at his


“It is very fortunate,” resumed the Gascon, when the valet

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had retired, “that he did not meet the other one.”

“Do you not think that they have sent for you, both for the

same thing?”

“I do not think it, I am certain of it.”

“Quick, quick, D’Artagnan. Remember that the queen awaits

you, and after the queen, the cardinal, and after the

cardinal, myself.”

D’Artagnan summoned Anne of Austria’s servant and signified

that he was ready to follow him into the queen’s presence.

The servant conducted him by the Rue des Petits Champs and

turning to the left entered the little garden gate leading

into the Rue Richelieu; then they gained the private

staircase and D’Artagnan was ushered into the oratory. A

certain emotion, for which he could not account, made the

lieutenant’s heart beat: he had no longer the assurance of

youth; experience had taught him the importance of past

events. Formerly he would have approached the queen as a

young man who bends before a woman; but now it was a

different thing; he answered her summons as an humble

soldier obeys an illustrious general.

The silence of the oratory was at last disturbed by the

slight rustling of silk, and D’Artagnan started when he

perceived the tapestry raised by a white hand, which, by its

form, its color and its beauty he recognized as that royal

hand which had one day been presented to him to kiss. The

queen entered.

“It is you, Monsieur d’Artagnan,” she said, fixing a gaze

full of melancholy interest on the countenance of the

officer, “and I know you well. Look at me well in your turn.

I am the queen; do you recognize me?”

“No, madame,” replied D’Artagnan.

“But are you no longer aware,” continued Anne, giving that

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre