Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

the next day the cardinal will be brought to Paris and

delivered to the parliament.”

“It is evident, sir, that your position has kept you out of

relation to men and affairs; otherwise you would know that

since we left Paris monsieur le cardinal has returned

thither five or six times; that he has there met De

Beaufort, De Bouillon, the coadjutor and D’Elbeuf and that

not one of them had any desire to arrest him.”

“Your pardon, madame, I know all that. And therefore my

friends will conduct monsieur le cardinal neither to De

Beaufort, nor to De Bouillon, nor to the coadjutor, nor to

D’Elbeuf. These gentlemen wage war on private account, and

in buying them up, by granting them what they wished,

monsieur le cardinal has made a good bargain. He will be

delivered to the parliament, members of which can, of

course, be bought, but even Monsieur de Mazarin is not rich

enough to buy the whole body.”

“I think,” returned Anne of Austria, fixing upon him a

glance, which in any woman’s face would have expressed

disdain, but in a queen’s, spread terror to those she looked

upon, “nay, I perceive you dare to threaten the mother of

your sovereign.”

“Madame,” replied D’Artagnan, “I threaten simply and solely

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

because I am obliged to do so. Believe me, madame, as true a

thing as it is that a heart beats in this bosom — a heart

devoted to you — believe that you have been the idol of our

lives; that we have, as you well know — good Heaven! —

risked our lives twenty times for your majesty. Have you,

then, madame, no compassion for your servants who for twenty

years have vegetated in obscurity, without betraying in a

single sigh the solemn and sacred secrets they have had the

honor to share with you? Look at me, madame — at me, whom

you accuse of speaking loud and threateningly. What am I? A

poor officer, without fortune, without protection, without a

future, unless the eye of my queen, which I have sought so

long, rests on me for a moment. Look at the Comte de la

Fere, a type of nobility, a flower of chivalry. He has taken

part against his queen, or rather, against her minister. He

has not been unreasonably exacting, it seems to me. Look at

Monsieur du Vallon, that faithful soul, that arm of steel,

who for twenty years has awaited the word from your lips

which will make him in rank what he is in sentiment and in

courage. Consider, in short, your people who love you and

who yet are famished, who have no other wish than to bless

you, and who, nevertheless — no, I am wrong, your subjects,

madame, will never curse you; say one word to them and all

will be ended — peace succeed war, joy tears, and happiness

to misfortune!”

Anne of Austria looked with wonderment on the warlike

countenance of D’Artagnan, which betrayed a singular

expression of deep feeling.

“Why did you not say all this before you took action, sir?”

she said.

“Because, madame, it was necessary to prove to your majesty

one thing of which you doubted —that is, that we still

possess amongst us some valor and are worthy of some

consideration at your hands.”

“And that valor would shrink from no undertaking, according

to what I see.”

“It has hesitated at nothing in the past; why, then, should

it be less daring in the future?”

“Then, in case of my refusal, this valor, should a struggle

occur, will even go the length of carrying me off in the

midst of my court, to deliver me into the hands of the

Fronde, as you propose to deliver my minister?”

“We have not thought about it yet, madame,” answered

D’Artagnan, with that Gascon effrontery which had in him the

appearance of naivete; but if we four had resolved upon it

we should do it most certainly.”

“I ought,” muttered Anne to herself, “by this time to

remember that these men are giants.”

“Alas, madame!” exclaimed D’Artagnan, “this proves to me

that not till to-day has your majesty had a just idea of

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre