Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two


D’Artagnan knew his part well; he was aware that opportunity

has a forelock only for him who will take it and he was not

a man to let it go by him without seizing it. He soon

arranged a prompt and certain manner of traveling, by

sending relays of horses to Chantilly, so that he might be

in Paris in five or six hours. But before setting out he

reflected that for a lad of intelligence and experience he

was in a singular predicament, since he was proceeding

toward uncertainty and leaving certainty behind him.

“In fact,” he said, as he was about to mount and start on

his dangerous mission, “Athos, for generosity, is a hero of

romance; Porthos has an excellent disposition, but is easily

influenced; Aramis has a hieroglyphic countenance, always

illegible. What will come out of those three elements when I

am no longer present to combine them? The deliverance of the

cardinal, perhaps. Now, the deliverance of the cardinal

would be the ruin of our hopes; and our hopes are thus far

the only recompense we have for labors in comparison with

which those of Hercules were pygmean.”

He went to find Aramis.

“You, my dear Chevalier d’Herblay,” he said, “are the Fronde

incarnate. Mistrust Athos, therefore, who will not prosecute

the affairs of any one, even his own. Mistrust Porthos,

especially, who, to please the count whom he regards as God

on earth, will assist him in contriving Mazarin’s escape, if

Mazarin has the wit to weep or play the chivalric.”

Aramis smiled; his smile was at once cunning and resolute.

“Fear nothing,” he said; “I have my conditions to impose. My

private ambition tends only to the profit of him who has

justice on his side.”

“Good!” thought D’Artagnan: “in this direction I am

satisfied.” He pressed Aramis’s hand and went in search of

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After


“Friend,” he said, “you have worked so hard with me toward

building up our fortune, that, at the moment when we are

about to reap the fruits of our labours, it would be a

ridiculous piece of silliness in you to allow yourself to be

controlled by Aramis, whose cunning you know — a cunning

which, we may say between ourselves, is not always without

egotism; or by Athos, a noble and disinterested man, but

blase, who, desiring nothing further for himself, doesn’t

sympathize with the desires of others. What should you say

if either of these two friends proposed to you to let

Mazarin go?”

“Why, I should say that we had too much trouble in taking

him to let him off so easily.”

“Bravo, Porthos! and you would be right, my friend; for in

losing him you would lose your barony, which you have in

your grasp, to say nothing of the fact that, were he once

out of this, Mazarin would have you hanged.”

“Do you think so?”

“I am sure of it.”

“Then I would kill him rather than let him go.”

“And you would act rightly. There is no question, you

understand, provided we secure our own interests, of

securing those of the Frondeurs; who, besides, don’t

understand political matters as we old soldiers do.”

“Never fear, dear friend,” said Porthos. “I shall see you

through the window as you mount your horse; I shall follow

you with my eyes as long as you are in sight; then I shall

place myself at the cardinal’s door — a door with glass

windows. I shall see everything, and at the least suspicious

sign I shall begin to exterminate.”

“Bravo!” thought D’Artagnan; “on this side I think the

cardinal will be well guarded.” He pressed the hand of the

lord of Pierrefonds and went in search of Athos.

“My dear Athos,” he said, “I am going away. I have only one

thing to say to you. You know Anne of Austria; the captivity

of Mazarin alone guarantees my life; if you let him go I am

a dead man.”

“I needed nothing less than that consideration, my dear

D’Artagnan, to persuade myself to adopt the role of jailer.

I give you my word that you will find the cardinal where you

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre