Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

then, is to become of royalty?”

The queen unconsciously touched here upon the exciting

question. The people had made no demonstration for the

princes, but they had risen for Broussel; they were taking

the part of a plebeian and in defending Broussel they

instinctively felt they were defending themselves.

During this time Mazarin walked up and down the study,

glancing from time to time at his beautiful Venetian mirror,

starred in every direction. “Ah!” he said, “it is sad, I

know well, to be forced to yield thus; but, pshaw! we shall

have our revenge. What matters it about Broussel — it is a

name, not a thing.”

Mazarin, clever politician as he was, was for once mistaken;

Broussel was a thing, not a name.

The next morning, therefore, when Broussel made his entrance

into Paris in a large carriage, having his son Louvieres at

his side and Friquet behind the vehicle, the people threw

themselves in his way and cries of “Long live Broussel!”

“Long live our father!” resounded from all parts and was

death to Mazarin’s ears; and the cardinal’s spies brought

bad news from every direction, which greatly agitated the

minister, but was calmly received by the queen. The latter

seemed to be maturing in her mind some great stroke, a fact

which increased the uneasiness of the cardinal, who knew the

proud princess and dreaded much the determination of Anne of


The coadjutor returned to parliament more a monarch than

king, queen, and cardinal, all three together. By his advice

a decree from parliament summoned the citizens to lay down

their arms and demolish the barricades. They now knew that

it required but one hour to take up arms again and one night

to reconstruct the barricades.

Page 336

Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

Rochefort had returned to the Chevalier d’Humieres his fifty

horsemen, less two, missing at roll call. But the chevalier

was himself at heart a Frondist and would hear nothing said

of compensation.

The mendicant had gone to his old place on the steps of

Saint Eustache and was again distributing holy water with

one hand and asking alms with the other. No one could

suspect that those two hands had been engaged with others in

drawing out from the social edifice the keystone of royalty.

Louvieres was proud and satisfied; he had taken revenge on

Mazarin and had aided in his father’s deliverance from

prison. His name had been mentioned as a name of terror at

the Palais Royal. Laughingly he said to the councillor,

restored to his family:

“Do you think, father, that if now I should ask for a

company the queen would give it to me?”

D’Artagnan profited by this interval of calm to send away

Raoul, whom he had great difficulty in keeping shut up

during the riot, and who wished positively to strike a blow

for one party or the other. Raoul had offered some

opposition at first; but D’Artagnan made use of the Comte de

la Fere’s name, and after paying a visit to Madame de

Chevreuse, Raoul started to rejoin the army.

Rochefort alone was dissatisfied with the termination of

affairs. He had written to the Duc de Beaufort to come and

the duke was about to arrive, and he world find Paris

tranquil. He went to the coadjutor to consult with him

whether it would not be better to send word to the duke to

stop on the road, but Gondy reflected for a moment, and then


“Let him continue his journey.”

“All is not then over?” asked Rochefort.

“My dear count, we have only just begun.”

“What induces you to think so?”

“The knowledge that I have of the queen’s heart; she will

not rest contented beaten.”

“Is she, then, preparing for a stroke?”

“I hope so.”

“Come, let us see what you know.”

“I know that she has written to the prince to return in

haste from the army.”

“Ah! ha!” said Rochefort, “you are right. We must let

Monsieur de Beaufort come.”

In fact, the evening after this conversation the report was

circulated that the Prince de Conde had arrived. It was a

very simple, natural circumstance and yet it created a

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre