Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two


“Well, well,” cried D’Artagnan, “this reconciliation is

truly touching; have you not tears in your eyes, Porthos?”

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“Yes,” said Porthos; “but I do not know if it is feeling or

the wind that makes me weep; I think it is the wind.”

“Now climb up, Athos, quickly,” said D’Artagnan. Athos,

assisted by Porthos, who lifted him up like a feather,

arrived at the top.

“Now, jump down, Athos.”

Athos jumped and disappeared on the other side of the wall.

“Are you on the ground?” asked D’Artagnan.


“Without accident?”

“Perfectly safe and sound.”

“Porthos, whilst I get up, watch the cardinal. No, I don’t

want your help, watch the cardinal.”

“I am watching,” said Porthos. “Well?”

“You are right; it is more difficult than I thought. Lend me

your back — but don’t let the cardinal go.”

Porthos lent him his back and D’Artagnan was soon on the

summit of the wall, where he seated himself.

Mazarin pretended to laugh.

“Are you there?” asked Porthos.

“Yes, my friend; and now —- ”

“Now, what?” asked Porthos.

“Now give me the cardinal up here; if he makes any noise

stifle him.”

Mazarin wished to call out, but Porthos held him tight and

passed him to D’Artagnan, who seized him by the neck and

made him sit down by him; then in a menacing tone, he said:

“Sir! jump directly down, close to Monsieur de la Fere, or,

on the honor of a gentleman, I’ll kill you!”

“Monsieur, monsieur,” cried Mazarin, “you are breaking your

word to me!”

“I — did I promise you anything, my lord?”

Mazarin groaned.

“You are free,” he said, “through me; your liberty was my


“Agreed; but the ransom of that immense treasure buried

under the gallery, to which one descends on pushing a spring

hidden in the wall, which causes a tub to turn, revealing a

staircase — must not one speak of that a little, my lord?”

“Diavolo!” cried Mazarin, almost choked, and clasping his

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hands; “I am a lost and ruined man!”

But without listening to his protestations of alarm,

D’Artagnan slipped him gently down into the arms of Athos,

who stood immovable at the bottom of the wall.

Porthos next made an effort which shook the solid wall, and

by the aid of his friend’s hand gained the summit.

“I didn’t understand it all,” he said, “but I understand

now; how droll it is!”

“You think so? so much the better; but that it may prove

laughter-worthy even to the end, let us not lose time.” And

he jumped off the wall.

Porthos did the same.

“Attend to monsieur le cardinal, gentlemen,” said

D’Artagnan; “for myself, I will reconnoitre.”

The Gascon then drew his sword and marched as avant guard.

“My lord,” he said, “which way do we go? Think well of your

reply, for should your eminence be mistaken, there might

ensue most grave results for all of us.”

“Along the wall, sir,” said Mazarin, “there will be no

danger of losing yourselves.”

The three friends hastened on, but in a short time were

obliged to slacken the pace. The cardinal could not keep up

with them, though with every wish to do so.

Suddenly D’Artagnan touched something warm, which moved.

“Stop! a horse!” he cried; “I have found a horse!”

“And I, likewise,” said Athos.

“I, too,” said Porthos, who, faithful to the instructions,

still held the cardinal’s arm.

“There’s luck, my lord! just as you were complaining of

being tired and obliged to walk.”

But as he spoke the barrel of a pistol was presented at his

breast and these words were pronounced:

“Touch it not!”

“Grimaud!” he cried; “Grimaud! what art thou about? Why,

thou art posted here by Heaven!”

“No, sir,” said the honest servant, “it was Monsieur Aramis

who posted me here to take care of the horses.”

“Is Aramis here?”

“Yes, sir; he has been here since yesterday.”

“What are you doing?”

“On the watch —- ”

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“What! Aramis here?” cried Athos.

“At the lesser gate of the castle; he’s posted there.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre