Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

blinds of the royal carriage, but the young king stretched

out his arm, saying:

“No, sir! I wish to see everything.”

“If your majesty wishes to look out — well, then, look!”

replied D’Artagnan. And turning with that fury which made

him so formidable, he rushed toward the chief of the

insurgents, a man who, with a huge sword in his hand, was

trying to hew a passage to the coach door through the


“Make room!” cried D’Artagnan. “Zounds! give way!”

At these words the man with a pistol and sword raised his

head, but it was too late. The blow was sped by D’Artagnan;

the rapier had pierced his bosom.

“Ah! confound it!” cried the Gascon, trying in vain, too

late, to retract the thrust. “What the devil are you doing

here, count?”

“Accomplishing my destiny,” replied Rochefort, falling on

one knee. “I have already got up again after three stabs

from you, I shall never rise after this fourth.”

“Count!” said D’Artagnan, with some degree of emotion, “I

struck without knowing that it was you. I am sorry, if you

die, that you should die with sentiments of hatred toward


Rochefort extended his hand to D’Artagnan, who took it. The

count wished to speak, but a gush of blood stifled him. He

stiffened in the last convulsions of death and expired.

“Back, people!” cried D’Artagnan, “your leader is dead; you

have no longer any business here.”

Indeed, as if De Rochefort had been the very soul of the

attack, the crowd who had followed and obeyed him took to

flight on seeing him fall. D’Artagnan charged, with a party

of musketeers, up the Rue du Coq, and the portion of the mob

he assailed disappeared like smoke, dispersing near the

Place Saint Germain-l’Auxerrois and taking the direction of

the quays.

D’Artagnan returned to help Porthos, if Porthos needed help;

but Porthos, for his part, had done his work as

conscientiously as D’Artagnan. The left of the carriage was

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

as well cleared as the right, and they drew up the blind of

the window which Mazarin, less heroic than the king, had

taken the precaution to lower.

Porthos looked very melancholy.

“What a devil of a face you have, Porthos! and what a

strange air for a victor!”

“But you,” answered Porthos, “seem to me agitated.”

“There’s a reason! Zounds! I have just killed an old


“Indeed!” replied Porthos, “who?”

“That poor Count de Rochefort.”

“Well! exactly like me! I have just killed a man whose face

is not unknown to me. Unluckily, I hit him on the head and

immediately his face was covered with blood.”

“And he said nothing as he died?”

“Yes; he exclaimed, `Oh!'”

“I suppose,” answered D’Artagnan, laughing, “if he only said

that, it did not enlighten you much.”

“Well, sir!” cried the queen.

“Madame, the passage is quite clear and your majesty can

continue your road.”

In fact, the procession arrived, in safety at Notre Dame, at

the front gate of which all the clergy, with the coadjutor

at their head, awaited the king, the queen and the minister,

for whose happy return they chanted a Te Deum.

As the service was drawing to a close a boy entered the

church in great excitement, ran to the sacristy, dressed

himself quickly in the choir robes, and cleaving, thanks to

that uniform, the crowd that filled the temple, approached

Bazin, who, clad in his blue robe, was standing gravely in

his place at the entrance to the choir.

Bazin felt some one pulling his sleeve. He lowered to earth

his eyes, beatifically raised to Heaven, and recognized


“Well, you rascal, what is it? How do you dare to disturb me

in the exercise of my functions?” asked the beadle.

“Monsieur Bazin,” said Friquet, “Monsieur Maillard — you

know who he is, he gives holy water at Saint Eustache —- ”

“Well, go on.”

“Well, he received in the scrimmage a sword stroke on the

head. That great giant who was there gave it to him.”

“In that case,” said Bazin, “he must be pretty sick.”

“So sick that he is dying, and he wants to confess to the

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre