Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

“Why, yes, very nearly.”

“Will you then kindly tell me if you have in your command

the Chevalier d’Artagnan, lieutenant in the musketeers?”

“No, sir, he is not with us; he left Paris more than six

weeks ago and is believed to have gone on a mission to


“I knew that, but I supposed he had returned.”

“No, sir; no one has seen him. I can answer positively on

that point, for the musketeers belong to our forces and

Monsieur de Cambon, the substitute for Monsieur d’Artagnan,

still holds his place.”

The two friends looked at each other.

“You see,” said Athos.

“It is strange,” said Aramis.

“It is absolutely certain that some misfortune has happened

to them on the way.”

“If we have no news of them this evening, to-morrow we must


Athos nodded affirmatively, then turning:

“And Monsieur de Bragelonne, a young man fifteen years of

age, attached to the Prince de Conde — has he the honor of

being known to you?” diffident in allowing the sarcastic

Aramis to perceive how strong were his paternal feelings.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

“Yes, surely, he came with the prince; a charming young man;

he is one of your friends then, monsieur le comte?”

“Yes, sir,” answered Athos, agitated; “so much so that I

wish to see him if possible.”

“Quite possible, sir; do me the favor to accompany me and I

will conduct you to headquarters.”

“Halloo, there!” cried Aramis, turning around; “what a noise

behind us!”

“A body of cavaliers is coming toward us,” said Chatillon.

“I recognize the coadjutor by his Frondist hat.”

“And I the Duc de Beaufort by his white plume of ostrich


“They are coming, full gallop; the prince is with them —

ah! he is leaving them!”

“They are beating the rappel!” cried Chatillon; “we must

discover what is going on.”

In fact, they saw the soldiers running to their arms; the

trumpets sounded; the drums beat; the Duc de Beaufort drew

his sword. On his side the prince sounded a rappel and all

the officers of the royalist army, mingling momentarily with

the Parisian troops, ran to him.

“Gentlemen,” cried Chatillon, “the truce is broken, that is

evident; they are going to fight; go, then, into Charenton,

for I shall begin in a short time — there’s a signal from

the prince!”

The cornet of a troop had in fact just raised the standard

of the prince.

“Farewell, till the next time we meet,” cried Chatillon, and

he set off, full gallop.

Athos and Aramis turned also and went to salute the

coadjutor and the Duc de Beaufort. As to the Duc de

Bouillon, he had such a fit of gout as obliged him to return

to Paris in a litter; but his place was well filled by the

Duc d’Elbeuf and his four sons, ranged around him like a

staff. Meantime, between Charenton and the royal army was

left a space which looked ready to serve as a last resting

place for the dead.

“Gentlemen,” cried the coadjutor, tightening his sash, which

he wore, after the fashion of the ancient military prelates,

over his archiepiscopal simar, “there’s the enemy

approaching. Let us save them half of their journey.”

And without caring whether he were followed or not he set

off; his regiment, which bore the name of the regiment of

Corinth, from the name of his archbishopric, darted after

him and began the fight. Monsieur de Beaufort sent his

cavalry, toward Etampes and Monsieur de Chanleu, who

defended the place, was ready to resist an assault, or if

the enemy were repulsed, to attempt a sortie.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

The battle soon became general and the coadjutor performed

miracles of valor. His proper vocation had always been the

sword and he was delighted whenever he could draw it from

the scabbard, no matter for whom or against whom.

Chanleu, whose fire at one time repulsed the royal regiment,

thought that the moment was come to pursue it; but it was

reformed and led again to the charge by the Duc de Chatillon

in person. This charge was so fierce, so skillfully

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre