Twenty Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

the most picturesque adventures of their youth.

“If Mousqueton were with us,” observed Athos, on reaching the

spot where they had had a dispute with the paviers, “how he

would tremble at passing this! Do you remember, Aramis, that

it was here he received that famous bullet wound?”

“By my faith, ‘twould be excusable in him to tremble,”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Twenty Years After

replied Aramis, “for even I feel a shudder at the

recollection; hold, just above that tree is the little spot

where I thought I was killed.”

It was soon time for Grimaud to recall the past. Arriving

before the inn at which his master and himself had made such

an enormous repast, he approached Athos and said, showing

him the airhole of the cellar:


Athos began to laugh, for this juvenile escapade of his

appeared to be as amusing as if some one had related it of

another person.

At last, after traveling two days and a night, they arrived

at Boulogne toward the evening, favored by magnificent

weather. Boulogne was a strong position, then almost a

deserted town, built entirely on the heights; what is now

called the lower town did not then exist.

“Gentlemen,” said De Winter, on reaching the gate of the

town, “let us do here as at Paris — let us separate to

avoid suspicion. I know an inn, little frequented, but of

which the host is entirely devoted to me. I will go there,

where I expect to find letters, and you go to the first

tavern in the town, to L’Epee du Grand Henri for instance,

refresh yourselves, and in two hours be upon the jetty; our

boat is waiting for us there.”

The matter being thus decided, the two friends found, about

two hundred paces further, the tavern indicated. Their

horses were fed, but not unsaddled; the grooms supped, for

it was already late, and their two masters, impatient to

return, appointed a place of meeting with them on the jetty

and desired them on no account to exchange a word with any

one. It is needless to say that this caution concerned

Blaisois alone — long enough since it had been a useless

one to Grimaud.

Athos and Aramis walked down toward the port. From their

dress, covered with dust, and from a certain easy manner by

means of which a man accustomed to travel is always

recognizable, the two friends excited the attention of a few

promenaders. There was more especially one upon whom their

arrival had produced a decided impression. This man, whom

they had noticed from the first for the same reason they had

themselves been remarked by others, was walking in a

listless way up and down the jetty. From the moment he

perceived them he did not cease to look at them and seemed

to burn with the wish to speak to them.

On reaching the jetty Athos and Aramis stopped to look at a

little boat made fast to a pile and ready rigged as if

waiting to start.

“That is doubtless our boat,” said Athos.

“Yes,” replied Aramis, “and the sloop out there making ready

to sail must be that which is to take us to our destination;

now,” continued he, “if only De Winter does not keep us

waiting. It is not at all amusing here; there is not a

single woman passing.”

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“Hush!” said Athos, “we are overheard.”

In truth, the walker, who, during the observations of the

two friends, had passed and repassed behind them several

times, stopped at the name of De Winter; but as his face

betrayed no emotion at mention of this name, it might have

been by chance he stood so still.

“Gentlemen,” said the man, who was young and pale, bowing

with ease and courtesy, “pardon my curiosity, but I see you

come from Paris, or at least that you are strangers at


“We come from Paris, yes,” replied Athos, with the same

courtesy; “what is there we can do for you?”

“Sir,” said the young man, “will you be so good as to tell

me if it be true that Cardinal Mazarin is no longer

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre