
“A man can’t ask for more than that. So, you got any leads?”

Seth Frank shrugged. “Maybe. Might peter out, you never know. You know

how that goes.”

“Tell me about it.” Burton started to leave and then looked back. “Hey,

as some quid pro quo if you need any red tape cut during your

investigation, access to databases, stuff like that, you let me know and

your request gets a top priority. Here’s my number.”

Frank took the offered card. “I appreciate that, Bill.”


dial tone, no outside line. The phone company was called.

An hour later, Seth Frank again picked up his phone and the dial tone

was there. The system was fixed. The phone closet was kept locked at all

times, but even if someone had been able to look inside, the mass of

lines and other equipment would’have been indecipherable to the

layperson. Not that the police force ordinarily worried about someone

tapping their lines.

Bill Burton’s lines of communication were open now, a lot wider than

Seth Frank had ever dreamed they would be.


TuNK rr’S A NusTAKE, ALAN. I TmNK we SHOULD BE DLstancing ourselves, not

tr*g to take over the investigation.”

Russell stood next to the President’s desk in the Oval Office.

Richmond was seated at the desk going over some recent health care

legislation; a quagmire to say the least and not one he planned to

expend much political capital on before the election.

“Gloria, get with the program, will you?” Richmond was preoccupied; well

ahead in the polls, he thought the gap should be even greater. His

anticipated opponent, Henry Jacobs, was short, and not particularly

good-looking or a great speaker. His sole claim to fame was thirty years

of toiling on behalf of the country’s indigent and less fortunate.

Consequently, he was a walking media disaster. In the age of sound bites

and photo ops, being able to look and talk a big game was an absolute

necessity. Jacobs was not even the best among a very weak group that had

seen its two leading candidates knocked out over assorted scandals,

sexually based and otherwise. All of which made Richmond wonder why his

thirty-two-point lead in the polls wasn’t fifty.

He finally turned to look at his Chief of Staff.

“Look, I promised Sullivan I’d keep on top of it. I said that to a

goddamned national audience that got me a dozen points in the polls that

apparently your well-oiled reelection team can’t improve upon. Do I need

to go out and start a war to get the polls where they should be?”

“Alan, th ‘ e election’s in the bag; we both know that. But we have to

play not to lose. We have to be careful. That person is still out there.

What if he’s caught?”

exasperated, Richmond stood up. “Will you forget him! If you’d stop to

think about’it for a second, the fact that I have closely associated

myself with the case takes away the only possi ible shred of credibility

the guy might have had. If I hadn’t publicly proclaimed my interest some

nosy reporter might have pricked up his ears at an allegation that the

President was somehow involved in the death of Christine Sullivan.

But now that I’ve told the nation that I’m mad and determined to bring

the perpetrator to justice, if the allegation is made, people will think

the guy saw me on TV and he’s a whacko.”

Russell sat down in a chair. The problem was Richmond didn’t have all

the facts. If he knew about the letter opener would he have taken these

same steps? If he knew about the note and photo Russell had received?

She was withholding information from her boss, information that could

ruin both of them, absolutely and completely.

As RussELL WALKED DOWN THE HALLWAY BACK TO HER OFfice, she didn’t notice

Bill Burton staring at her from a passageway. The look was not one of

affection, not anywhere close.

Stupid, stupid bitch. From where he was standing he could’ve popped

three slugs into the back of her head. No sweat. His talk with Collin

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Categories: Baldacci David