The voice on the machine stunned her, it was the first time in years she

had heard those tones.

Calm, efficient, measured like the practiced stride of an infantryman.

She actually began to tremble as the tone sounded and it took all her

will to summon the simple words that were designed to trap him. She kept

reminding herself how cunning he could be. She wanted to see him, wanted

to talk to him. As soon as possible. She wondered if the wily old mind

would smell a trap, and then she recalled their last face-to-face

meeting, and she realized that he would never see it coming. He would

never attribute deceit to the little girl who confided in him her most

precious information.

Even she had to give him that.

It was barely an hour later when the phone rang. As she reached out for

it, she wished to God she had never agreed to Frank’s request. Sitting

in a restaurant hatching a plan to catch a suspected murderer was quite

different from actually participating in a charade designed solely to

deliver your father to the authorities.

“Katie.” She sensed the slight break in the voice. A tinge of disbelief

blended in.

“Hello, Dad.” She was grateful that the words had come out on their own.

At that moment she seemed incapable of articulating the simplest


Her apartment was not good. He could understand that.

Too close, too personal. His place, she knew, would be unworkable for

obvious reasons. They could meet on neutral grounds, he suggested. Of

course they could. She wanted to talk, he certainly wanted to listen.

Desperately wanted to listen.

A time was reached, tomorrow, four o’clock, at a small cam near her

office. At that time of day it would be empty, quiet; they could take

their time. He would be there. She was sure nothing short of death would

keep him away.

She hung up and called Frank. She gave him the time and the place.

Listening to herself it finally dawned on her what she had just done.

She could feel everything suddenly giving way and she could not stop it.

She flung down the phone and burst into tears; so hard did her body

convulse that she slumped to the floor, every muscle twitching, her

moans filling the tiny apartment like helium into a balloon; it all

threatened to violently explode.

Frank had stayed on the phone a second longer and wished he hadn’t. He

yelled into the phone but she could not hear him; not that it would have

made a difference if she had. She was doing the right thing. She had

nothing to be ashamed about, nothing to feel guilty about. When he

finally gave up and cradled the receiver, his moment of euphoria at

growing ever close to his quarry was over like a flamed-out match.

So his question had been answered. She loved him still.

That thought for Lieutenant Seth Frank was troubling but controllable.

For Seth Frank, father of three, it made his eyes water and he suddenly

didn’t like his job very much anymore.


to let the agent in on the kill.

Minutes later Burton was in Russell’s office.

“I don’t want to know how you’re going to do it.” Russell looked


Burton smiled to himself. Getting squeamish, just like he predicted.

Wanted the job done, just didn’t want to get her pretty nails dirty.

“All you have to make sure you do is tell the President where it’s going

down. And then you make damn sure he tells Sullivan before the fact. He

has got to do that.”

Russell looked puzzled. “Why?”

“Let me worry about that. Just remember, do what I tell you.” He was

gone before Russell had a chance to explode at him.


the President’s voice as he looked up from his desk.

Russell, pacing the room, stopped to look at him. “Well, Alan, I’m

assuming that if he weren’t they wouldn’t be going to all the trouble to

arrest him.”

“They’ve made mistakes before, Gloria.”

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Categories: Baldacci David