very latest in Soviet technology. And although the former communists had

no clue as to how to run a democratic, capitalist society, they did, for

the most part, build sound military hardware.

“Jesus, you’re freezing, how long have you been waiting?” Kate had

touched Jack’s hand and the icy feel had coursed through her entire


“Longer than I needed to. The motel room was shrinking on me. I just had

to get out. I’m going to make a lousy prisoner. Well?”

Kate opened her purse. She had called Jack from a pay phone. She

couldn’t tell him what she had, only that she had something. Jack had

agreed with Edwina Broome that if risks had to be taken, he would take

more than anyone. Kate had already done enough.

Jack grasped the packet. It wasn’t that difficult to discern what was

contained inside. Photographs.

Thank Go4 Luther, you didn’t disappoint.

“Are you okay?” Jack scrutinized her.

“I’m getting there.”

“Where’s Seth?”

“He’s around. He’ll drive me home.”

They stared at each other. Jack knew that the best thing was to have

Kate leave, maybe leave the country for a while, until this blew over or

he was convicted of murder. If the latter, then her intention of

starting over somewhere else was probably the best plan anyway.

But he didn’t want her to leave.

“Thank you.” The words seemed wholly inadequate, like she had just

dropped off lunch for him, or picked up his dry cleaning.

“Jack, what are you going to do now?”

“I haven’t thought it all through yet. But it’s coming. I’m not going

down without a fight.”

“Yeah, but you don’t even know who it is you’re fighting.

That’s hardly fair.” I “Who said it was supposed to be fair?”

He smiled at her as the wind kicked old newspapers down the street.

“You better get going. It’s not that safe around here.”

“I’ve got my pepper mace.

“Good girl.”‘ She turned to leave, then clutched him by the arm.

“Jack, please be careful.”

“I’m always careful. I’m a lawyer. CYA is SOP for us.”

“Jack, I’m not kidding.”

He shrugged. “I know. I promise I will be as careful as I can.” As Jack

said this he stepped toward Kate and took off his hood.

The night goggles fixated on Jack’s exposed features and then they were

lowered. Shaky hands picked up the car’s cellular phone.

The two clung in an easy embrace. While Jack desperately wanted to kiss

her, under the circumstances he settled for a soft brush of his lips

against her neck. When they stepped back from each other, tears had

begun to form in Kate’s eyes. Jack turned and walked quickly away.

As Kate walked back down the street she didn’t notice the car until it

swerved across the street and almost ended up on the curb. She staggered

back as the driver’s side door flew open. In the background, the air had

exploded with sirens, all coming toward her. Toward Jack. She

instinctively looked behind her. There was no sign of him. When she

turned back, she was staring into a pair of smug eyes, framed under

bushy eyebrows.

“I thought our paths might cross again, Ms. Whitney.”

Kate stared at the man, but recognition was not forthcoming.

He looked disappointed. “Bob Gavin. From the Post?”

She looked at his car. She had seen it before. On the street passing

Edwina Broome’s house.

“You’ve been following me.”

“Yes, I have. Figured you’d eventually lead me to Graham.”

“The police?” Her head jerked around as a squad car, siren blaring, tore

down the street toward them. “You called them.”

Gavin nodded, smiling. He was obviously pleased with himself

“Now before the cops get here I think we can work a little deal. You

give me an exclusive. The down and dirty on Jack Graham, and my story

changes just enough so that instead of an accessory, you’re just an

innocent bystander in this whole mess.”

Kate glared at the man, the rage within her, having been built up from a

month of personal horrors, was near its exploding point. And Bob Gavin

was standing directly over the epicenter.

Gavin looked around at the patrol car nearing them. In the background,

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Categories: Baldacci David