Chief of Staff high and dry, he would’ve done a good day’s work. But

that one.

he was afraid, was beyond even him.


leaves gently cascaded down on him.

nudged along by the breeze that lazily made its way past. He was dressed

casually: jeans, cotton pullover and leather jacket. There was no bulge

under his jacket. His hair was still damp from a hasty shower. His bare

ankles protruded from his loafers. He looked like he should be heading

to the college library for a late-night study session or hitting the

party circuit after playing in the Saturday afternoon football game.

As he made his way up to the house, he started getting nervous. It had

surprised him, her phone call. She had sounded normal, there was no

strain, no anger in her voice. Burton said she had taken it pretty well,

considering. But he knew how abrasive Burton could be and that was why

he’was worried. Letting him keep Collins appointment with the lady

probably was not the smartest thing Collin had ever done. But the stakes

were high. Burton had made him see that.

The door opened to his knock and he walked in. As he turned, the door

closed and she was standing there. Smiling.

Dressed in a sheer white negligee that was too short and too tight

everywhere that counted, she stood tiptoe in her bare feet to kiss him

gently on the lips. Then she took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

She motioned for him to lie down on the bed. Standing in front of him

she undid the straps holding up the flimsy garment and let it drop to

the floor. Next her underwear slid down her legs. He started to rise up,

but she gently pushed him back down.

She slowly climbed on top of him, running her fingers through his hair.

She slid a hand down to his erection and nicked at it through his jeans

with the tip of her fingernail.

He almost screamed as the confines of his pants became too painful.

Again he tried to touch her but she held him down.

She slid his belt off and then undid his pants. They dropped to the

floor. Next she freed his explosion of flesh. It sprung up at her and

she cradled it between her legs, squeezing it tightly between her


She dipped her mouth down to his and then nestled her lips against his


“Tim, you want me, don’t you? You want to fuck me so bad, don’t you?”

He groaned and clutched at her buttocks, but she quickly moved his hands


“Don’t you?”


“I wanted you so bad too, the other night. And then he showed up.”

“I know, I’m sorry about that. We talked an&—”

“I know, he told me. That you didn’t say anything about us. That you

were a gentleman.”

“That part was none of his business.”

“That’s right, Tim. It was none of his business. And now you want to

fuck me, don’t you?”

“Jesus Christ yes, Gloria. Of course I do.”

“So bad it hurts.”

“It’s killing me. It’s goddamn killing me.”

“You feel so good, Tim, God, you feel so good.”

“Just wait, baby, just wait. You don’t know what good is.”

“I know, Tim. All I seem to think about is making love to you. You know

that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Collin was in so much pain now his eyes watered.

She licked at the drops, amused.

“And you’re sure you want me? You’re absolutely sure?”


Collin felt it before his mind actually registered the fact.

Like a blast of cold air.

“Get out.” The words were spoken slowly, deliberately, as though

practiced a number of times, to get just the right tone, the correct

inflection; the speaker savoring each syllable. She climbed off him,

taking care to apply enough force to his erection that he gasped for



His jeans hit him in the face as he lay there. When he pulled them away

and sat up, her body was covered in a thick, full-length robe.

“Get out of my house, Collin. Now.”

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Categories: Baldacci David