headed out.

Burton started up the small vacuum, completed the room and then left,

closing the door and turning off the light.


This was the first time he had been alone in the room with the dead

woman. The rest of them had apparently grown used to the bloody figure

lying on the floor, unconsciously stepping over or around the now

inanimate object. But Luther had not grown accustomed to the death

barely eight feet away.

He could no longer see the pile of stained clothing and the lifeless

body inside of them, but he knew it was there.

“Sleazy rich bitch” would probably be her informal epitaph.

And, yes, she had cheated on her husband, not that he seemed to care

about that. But she hadn’t deserved to die like that. He would’ve killed

her, there was no question about that. Except for her swift

counterattack, the President would’ve committed murder.

The Secret Service men he could not really fault. That was He didn’t

need to say their job and they did it. She had picked the wrong man to

attempt to kill in the heat of whatever she had been feeling.

Maybe it was better. If her hand had been a little faster or the agents’

response a little slower, she might be spending the rest of her life in

jail. Or she’d probably get death for killing a President.

Luther sat down in the chair. His legs were almost numb.

He forced himself to relax. Soon he would be getting the hell out of

there. He needed to be ready to run.

He had a lot to think through, considering that they were unwittingly

setting up Luther Whitney to be the number-one suspect in what would no

doubt be deemed a heinous and gruesome crime. The wealth of the victim

would demand that enormous law enforcement resources be expended in

finding the perpetrator. But there was no way they would be looking to

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the answer. They would search elsewhere,

and despite Luther’s intense preparations, they might very well find

him. He was good, very good, but then he had never faced the types of

forces that would be unleashed to solve this crime.

He quickly thought back through his entire plan leading up to tonight.

He could think of no obvious holes, but it was the not-so-obvious ones

that usually did you in. He swallowed, curled and uncurled his fingers,

stretched his legs to calm himself. One thing at a time. He still wasn’t

out of here. Many things could go wrong, and one or two undoubtedly


He would wait two more minutes. He ticked off the seconds in his head,

visualized them loading the car. They would probably wait for any

further sight or sound of the patrol car before heading out.

He carefully opened his bag. Inside were much of the contents of this

room. He had almost forgotten that he had come here to steal and in fact

had stolen. His car was a good quarter mile away. He thanked God he had

quit smoking all those years ago. He would need every ounce of lung

capacity he could muster. How many Secret Service Agents was he

confronted with? At least four. Shit!

The mirrored door slowly opened and Luther stepped out into the room. He

hit the remote one more time and then tossed it back onto the chair as

the door swung closed.

He eyed the window. He had already planned an alternate escape through

that aperture. A hundred-foot coil of extremely strong nylon rope,

knotted every six inches, was in his bag.

He made a wide berth around the body, careful not to step in any of the

crimson, the position of which he had programmed into his memory. He

glanced only once at the remains of Christine Sullivan. Her life could

not be brought back. Luther was now faced with keeping his own intact.

It took him a few seconds to reach the nightstand, and probe down behind


Luther’s fingers clutched the plastic bag. The President’s collision

with the furniture had toppled Gloria Russell’s purse on its side. The

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Categories: Baldacci David