this wasn’t cousin Ned, this was the President of the United States for


“So you’re the lucky fellow?@ The President’s smile was immediate and

pleasant. They shook hands. He was as tall as Jack, and Jack admired

that he had kept trim and fit with a job like his.

“Jack Graham, Mr. President. It’s an honor to meet you, Sir. “I feel

like I already know you, Jack, Jennifer’s told me so much about you.

Most of it good.” He grinned.

“Jack’s a partner at Patton, Shaw & Lord.” Jennifer still held on to the

President’s arm. She looked at Jack and smiled a cutesy smile.

“Well, not a partner yet, Jenn.”

“Matter of time is all.” Ransorne Baldwin’s voice boomed out. “With

Baldwin Enterprises as a client, you could name your price at any firm

in this country. Don’t you forget that. Don’t let Sandy Lord pull the

wool over your eyes.”

“Listen to him, Jack. The voice of experience.” The President raised his

glass and then involuntarily jerked it back.

Jennifer stumbled, letting go of his arm.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer. Too much tennis. Damn arm’s giving me problems

again. Well, Ransorne, you look like you’ve got yourself a fine protdg6


“Hell, he’ll have to fight my daughter for the empire.

Maybe Jack can be queen and Jenn can be the king. How’s that for equal

rights?” Ransomed laughed a big laugh that swept everybody up with it.

Jack felt himself redden. “I’m just a lawyer, Ransomed; I’m not

necessarily looking for an empty throne to occupy.

There are other things to do in life.”

Jack picked up his drink. This wasn’t exactly going as well as he would

have liked. He felt on the defensive. Jack crunched an ice cube. And

what did Ransomed Baldwin really think about his future son-in-law?

Especially right now? The point was Jack didn’t really care.

Ransomed stopped laughing and eyed him steadily. Jennifer cocked her head

the way she did when he said something she thought was inappropriate,

which was most of the time. The President looked at all three of them,

smiled quickly and excused himself He went over to the corner where a

woman was standing.

Jack watched him go. He had seen the woman on TV, defending the

President’s position on a myriad of issues. Gloria Russell did not look

very happy right now, but with all the crises in the world, happiness

was probably a rare commodity in her line of work.

That was an afterthought. Jack had met the President, had shaken hands

with him. He hoped his arm got better.

He pulled Jennifer aside and made his regrets. She was not pleased.

“This is totally unacceptable, Jack. Do you realize how special a night

this is for Daddy?”

“Hey, I’m just a working stiff. You know? Billable hours?”

“That’s ridiculous! And you know it. No one at that firm can make those

demands of you, let alone some nothing associate.”

“Jenn, it’s not that big a deal. I had a great time. Your dad got his

little award. Now it’s time to go back to work.

Alvis is okay. He’s kicking my butt a little bit, but he works just as

hard, if not harder than I do. Everybody has to take their lumps.”

“This isn’t fair, Jack. This is not convenient for me.”

“Jenn, it’s my job. I said don’t worry about it, so don’t worry about

it. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m gonna grab a cab back.”

“Daddy will be very disappointed.”

“Daddy won’t even miss me. Hey, hoist one for me. And remember what you

said about later? I’ll take a rain check on that, maybe we can make it

my place for a change?She allowed herself to be kissed. But when Jack

was gone she stormed over to her father.



bag clunked against one leg, her overflowing briefcase against the other

as she jogged up the four flights of stairs. Buildings in her price

range had elevators, just not ones that worked on a consistent basis.

She changed quickly into her running outfit, checked her messages, and

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Categories: Baldacci David