desperately wanted to get laid tonight. Wanted to be inside a woman. She

had given him her body, no questions asked. Technically she had

committed rape. Realistically she was confident she had fulfilled many a

male’s dream. It didn’t matter if he had no recollection of the.event,

of her sacrifice. But he would damn sure know what she was going to do

for him now.

The President’s eyes came in and out of focus. Collin rubbed his neck.

He was coming around. Russell glanced at her watch. Two o’clock in the

morning. They had to get back. She slapped his face, not hard, but

enough to get his attention. She felt Collin stiffen. God these guys had

tunnel vision.

“Alan, did you have sex with her?”

“Wha …

“Did you have sex with her?”

“Wha … No. Don’t think so. Don’t remem . .

“Give him some more coffee, pour it down his damned throat if you have

to, but get him sober.” Collin nodded and went to work. Russell walked

over to Burton, whose gloved hands were dexterously examining every inch

of the late Mrs. Sullivan.

Burton had been involved in numerous police investigations. He knew

exactly what detectives looked for and where they looked for it. He

never imagined himself using that specialized knowledge to inhibit an

investigation, but then he had never imagined anything like this ever

happening either.

He looked around the room, his mind calculating which areas would need

to be gone over, what other rooms they had used. They could do nothing

about the marks on the woman’s throat and other microscopic physical

evidence that was no doubt imbedded in her skin. The medical examiner

would pick those up regardless of what they tried to do. However, none

of those things could be realistically traced to the President unless

the police identified the President as a suspect, which was pretty much

beyond the realm of possibility.

The incongruity of attempted strangulation of a small woman with death

caused by gunshot was something they would have to leave to the police’s


Burton turned his attention back to the deceased and started to

carefully slide her underwear up her legs. He felt a tap on his


“Check her.”

Burton looked up. He started to say something.

“Check her!” Russell’s eyebrows were arched. Burton had seen her do that

a million times with the White House staff.

.They were all terrified of her. He wasn’t afraid of her, but he was

smart enough to cover his ass whenever she was around.

He slowly did as he was told. Then he positioned the body exactly as it

had fallen. He reported back with a single shake Of his head.

Are you sure?” Russell looked unconvinced, although she knew from her

interlude with the President that chances were he had not entered the

woman, or that if he had be hadn’t finished. But there might be traces.

It was scary as hell, the things they could determine these days from

the tiniest specimens.

“I’m not a goddamned oh-gyn. I didn’t see anything and I think I would

have, but I don’t carry a microscope around with me.”

Russell would have to let that one go. There was still a lot to do and

not much time.

“Did Johnson and Varney say anything?”

Collin looked over from where the President was ingesting his fourth cup

of coffee. “They’re wondering what the hell’s going on, if that’s what

you mean.”

“You didn’t te-”

“I told them what you said to tell them and that’s all, ma’am.” He

looked at her. “They’re good men, Ms. Russell.

They’ve been with the President since the campaign. They’re not going to

do anything to mess things up, okay?”

Russell rewarded Collin with a smile. A good-looking kid r and, more

important, a loyal member of the President’s pe sonal guard; he would be

very useful to her. Burton might be a problem. But she had a strong

trump card: he and Collin had pulled the trigger, maybe in the line of

duty, but who re- i ally knew? Bottom line: they too were in this all

the way.

LUTHER wATcHED THE Acnvrff wrm AN APPREcm-rion THAT he felt guilty about

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Categories: Baldacci David