of work, built right into the wall, or so it seemed, but Luther knew

that hinges were carefully hidden into the slight recess six inches from

the top and bottom.

Luther looked back at the mirror. He had the distinct advantage of

having seen a target like this full-length model a couple of years ago

although he hadn’t planned to crack it.

But you didn’t ignore a second golden egg just because you had the first

in hand, and that second golden egg had been worth about fifty thou’.

The prize on the other side of this private looking glass he figured

would be about ten times that.

Using brute force and the aid of a crowbar he could overcome the locking

system built into the mirror’s carvings but that would take precious

time. And, more than that@ it would leave behind obvious signs of the

place having been violated.

And although the house was supposed to be empty for the next several

weeks, one never knew. When he left the Coppers there would be no

obvious evidence he had ever been there. Even upon their return the

owners might not check the vault for some time. In any event, he did not

have to take the hard route.

He walked quickly over to the large-screen TV located against one wall

of the vast chamber. The area was set up as a sitting room with matching

chintz-covered chairs and a large coffee table. Luther looked at the

three remotes lying there. One to work the TV, one for the VCR and one

that would cut his night’s work by ninety percent. Each had a brand name

on it, each looked pretty much like the other, but a quick experiment

showed that two worked their appropriate apparatus and one did not.

He walked back across the room, pointed the control at the mirror and

pushed the lone red button located at the bottom of the hardware.

Ordinarily that action meant the VCR was recording. Tonight, in this

room, it meant the bank was opening for business for its one fortunate


Luther watched the door swing open easily, silently on the now-revealed

no-maintenance hinges. From long habit, he replaced the control exactly

where it had been, pulled a collapsible duffel bag out of his backpack

and entered the vault.

As his light swept through the darkness he was surprised to see an

upholstered chair sitting in the middle of the room, which looked to be

about six feet by six feet. On the chair’s arm rested an identical

remote, obviously a safeguard against being locked in by accident. Then

his eyes took in the shelves down each side.

The cash, bundled neatly, went in first, then the contents of the

slender boxes that were definitely not costume jewelry. Luther counted

about two hundred thousand dollars’ worth of negotiable bonds and other

securities, and two small boxes of antique coins and another of stamps,

including one of an inverted figure that made Luther swallow hard.

He ignored the blank checks and the boxes full of legal documents, which

were worthless to him. His quick assessment ended at almost two million

dollars, probably more.

He took one more look around, taking care not to miss any stray nook.

The walls were thick-he figured they had to be fireproof, or as

fireproof as man could make something. The place wasn’t hermetically

sealed; the air was fresh, not stale.

Somebody could stay in here for days.


expert enough to accomplish this feat without the benefit of headlights.

Inside the spacious back seat of the linio were a man and two women, one

of whom was close to being drunk and who was doing her best to undress

the man and herself right there, despite the gentle defensive efforts of

her victim.

The other woman sat across from them tight-lipped, ostensibly trying to

ignore the ridiculous spectacle, which included girlish giggling and

much panting, but in reality she closely observed every detail of the

pair’s efforts. Her focus was on a large book that sat open in her lap

where appointments and notes battled each other for space and the

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Categories: Baldacci David