and all. Just hold, look at it and shoot. Great quality. So the wife

said I should come down.”

“That’s terrific, Mr. Flanders. And the purpose of all this?” Frank

looked at him inquiringly.

Realization spread over Flanders’s features. “Oh. I’m sorry, Lieutenant.

I’m standing here rambling, have a tendency to do that, just ask the

missus. Retired for a year.

Never talked much at work. Assembly line at a processing plant. Like to

talk now. Listen too. Spend a lot of time down at that little cafe over

behind the bank. Good coffee and the muffins are the real thing, no

low-fat stuff.”

Frank looked exasperated.

Flanders hurried on. “Well, I came down here to show you this. Give it

to you, really. Kept a copy for myself of course.” He handed across the


Frank opened it and looked at the videocassette.

Flanders took off his cap, revealing a bald head with cottony tufts of

hair clustered around his ears. He went on excitedly. “Got some really

good shots, like I said. Like of the President and right when that fella

was shot. Got all that. Jesus did I. I was following the President, you


Ran me right into all the fireworks.”

Frank stared at the man.

“It’s all there, Lieutenant. For what it’s worth.” He looked at his

watch. “Huh. I gotta go. Late for my lunch. Wife doesn’t like that.” He

turned to leave. Seth Frank stared down at the cassette.

“Oh, Lieutenant. One more thing.”


“If anything were to come from my tape, do you think they might use my

name when they write about it?”

Frank shook his head. “Write about it?”

The old man looked excited. “Yeah. You know, the historians. They’d call

it the Flanders Tape, wouldn’t they, or something like that. The

Flanders Video maybe. You know like before.”

Frank wearily rubbed his temples. “Like before?”

“Yeah, Lieutenant. You know, like Zapruder with Kennedy.”

Frank’s face finally sagged in recognition. “I’ll be sure to let them

know, Mr. Flanders. Just in case. For posterity.”

There you go.” Flanders pointed a happy finger at him.

“Posterity, I like that. Have a good one, Lieutenam” -AN?”

Richmond absently motioned for Russell to come in and then looked down

once again at the notebook in front of him. Finished, he closed it and

looked at his Chief of Staff, his stare was impassive.

Russell hesitated, studying the carpet, her hands clasped nervously in

front of her. Then she hurried across the room and fell rather than sat

in one of the chairs.

“I’m not sure what to say to you, Alan. I realize my behavior was

inexcusable, absolutely inappropriate. If I could plead temporary

insanity I would.”

“So you’re not going to attempt to explain it away as being somehow in

my best interests?” Richmond sat back in his chair, his eyes remained on


“No, I’m not. I’m here to offer my resignation.”

The President smiled. “Perhaps I did underestimate you, Gloria.”

He stood up, went around the desk and leaned against it, facing her. “On

the contrary, your behavior was absolutely appropriate. If I had been in

your position I would’ve done the same thing.”

She looked up at him. Her face betrayed her astonishment.

“Don’t misunderstand me, I expect loyalty, Gloria, like any leader. I do

not, however, expect human beings to be anything more than that, meaning

human, with all their associated weaknesses and survival instincts. We

are, after all, animals. I have attained my position in life by never

losing sight of the fact that the most important person in the world is

myself. Whatever the situation, whatever the obstacle, I have never,

never lost sight of that one simple truism. What you did that night

displays that you also share that belief.”

“You know what I intended?”

“Of course I do. Gloria, I don’t condemn you for taking a situation and

attempting to maximize its beneficial effect on you. My God, that’s the

basis upon which this country and this city in particular are built.”

“But when Burton told yow–‘

Richmond held up one hand. “I admit I felt certain emotions that night.

Betrayal perhaps foremost among them. But in the time since, I have

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Categories: Baldacci David