She was so beautiful, had everything in the world going for her. Jesus,

what was wrong with him anyway?


seven o’clock on a weeknight, downtown D.C. was pretty much deserted.

Jack looked over at his fiance. Her light but very expensive coat

didn’t conceal the plunging neckline. The perfectly chiseled features

were covered by flawless skin that occasionally flashed a perfect smile.

Her thick auburn hair was piled high on top of her head; she usually

wore it down. She looked like one of those one-name supermodels.

He moved closer to her. She smiled at him, checked her makeup, which was

immaculate, and patted his hand.

He stroked her leg, slid her dress up; she pushed him away.

“Later, maybe,” she whispered so the driver wouldn’t hear.

Jack smiled and mouthed that later he might have a headache. She laughed

and then he remembered there would be no “later” tonight.

He slumped back in the thickly padded seat and stared out the window. He

had never been to the White House; Jennifer had, twice before. She

didn’t look nervous; he was. He tugged at his bow tie, and smoothed his

hair as they turned onto Executive Drive.

The White House guards checked them methodically; Jennifer as usual got

second and third looks from all of the men and women present. When she

bent down to adjust her high heel, she almost spilled out of her

five-thousand-dollar dress and made several White House staffers far

happier men for it. Jack got the usual envious looks from the guys. Then

they moved into the building and presented their engraved invitations to

the Marine sergeant who escorted them through the lower-level entry

corridor and then up the stairs to the Fast Room.


the night’s event and the pain had shot up to his shoulder. I think it

nicked a tendon, Gloria.”

Gloria Russell sat in one of the wide, plush chairs with which the

President’s wife had decorated the Oval Office.

The First Lady had good taste if not a lot else. She was nice to look

at, but a little light in the intellect department. No challenge to the

President’s power, and an asset in the polls.

Her family background was impeccable: old money, old ties. The

President’s connection to the conservative wealth and influence segment

of the country had not hurt his standing with the liberal contingent in

the least, however, owing mainly to his charisma and skills at

consensus-building. And his good looks, which counted for a lot more

than anyone cared to admit.

A successful President had to be able to talk a good game, and this

President’s batting average was up there with Ted Williams’s.

“I think I need to see a doctor.” The President was not in the best of

moods, but then neither was Russell.

“Well, Alan, then exactly how would you explain a stab wound to the

White House press?”

“What the hell ever happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?”

Russell rolled her eyes. He could be so stupid sometimes.

if ‘s

“You’re like a Fortune 500 company, Alan, everything about you is public


“Well, not everything.”

“That remains to be seen, doesn’t it? This is far from over, Alan.”

Russell had smoked three packs of cigarettes, and drunk two pots of

coffee since last night. At any moment their world, her career, could

come crashing down. The police knocking on the door. It was all she

could do to keep herself from running screaming from the room. As it was

nausea continuously swept over her in vast waves. She clenched her

teeth, gripped the chair. The image of total destruction would not budge

from her mind.

The President scanned the copy, memorizing some, the rest he would

ad-lib; his memory was phenomenal, an asset that had served him well.

“That’s why I have you, Gloria, isn’t it? To make it all better?”

He looked at her.

For a moment she wondered if he knew. If he knew what she had done with

him. Her body stiffened and then relaxed.

He couldn’t know, that was impossible. She remembered his drunken

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Categories: Baldacci David