as to be unbelievable. Even to you.”

“Exactly. That’s exactly what I thought too.”

Kate rose to go. “Thank you, Mrs. Broome.”

“Please call me Edwina. Funny name, but it’s the only one I have.”

Kate smiled. “After this is all over, Edwina, I … I’d like to come

back and visit if you don’t mind. Talk about things some more.”

“I’d like nothing better. Being old has its good and bad.

Being old and lonely is all bad.”

Kate put on her coat and went to the door. She put the package safely in

her purse.

“That should narrow your search shouldn’t it, Kate?”

Kate turned around. “What?”

“Someone that unbelievable. Can’t be too many of them around I wouldn’t



“I don’t exactly know what happened. I was gone maybe two, three minutes


“You shouldn’t have been away from your post at all, Monroe.” The

diminutive supervisor was in Monroe’s face and the big man was sweating


“Like I said, the lady asked for some help with a bag, so I helped her.”

“What lady?”

“I told you, just some lady. Young, good-looking’, dressed real

professional.” The supervisor turned away, disgusted.

He had no way of knowing the lady was Kate Whitney and that she and Seth

Frank were already five blocks away in Kate’s car.

“Does it HURT?” KATE LOOKED AT HIM, WITH NOT MUCH SYMpathy in either her

features or her voice.

Frank gingerly touched the bandages around his head.

“You kidding? My six-year-old hits me harder.” He looked around the

interior of the car. “You got some smokes? Since when the hell are

hospitals nonsmoking?”

She rummaged in her purse and flipped him an open pack.

He lit up and eyed her over the cloud of smoke. “By the way, nice job on

the rent-a-cop. You should be in the movies.”

“Great! I’m in the market for a career change.”

“How’s our boy?”

“Safe. For now. Let’s keep him that way.”

She turned the corner and looked hara at him.

“You know, it wasn’t exactly my plan to let your old man buy it right in

front of me.”

“That’s what Jack said.”

“But you don’t believe him?”

“What does it matter what I believe?”

“It does. It matters to me,. Kate.”

She stopped for a red light. “Okay. Let’s put it this way.

I’m coming around to the idea that you didn’t want it to happen. Is that

good enough?”

“No, but it’ll do for now.”


finally wearied of the Capital City, but although there no longer was

any pelting icy rain, the thermometer had remained consistently in the

twenties and the wind had returned with a vengeance. He blew on stiff

fingers and rubbed sleep-deprived eyes. Against a drift of black sky, a

sliver of moon hung, soft and luminous. Jack checked his surroundings.

The building across the street was dark and empty.

The structure he was standing in front of had closed its doors a long

time ago. A few passersby braved the inclement conditions, but for large

chunks of time Jack stood alone. Finally he took shelter inside the

doorway of the building and waited.

Three blocks away a rusting cab pulled to the curb, the back door opened

and a pair of low heels touched the cement sidewalk. The cab immediately

pulled off and a moment later the street was silent again. Kate tugged

her coat around her and hurried off. As she passed the next block,

another car, lights out, turned the corner and drifted along in her

wake. Her thoughts focused on the steps that lay ahead of her, Kate did

not look back.

Jack saw her turn the corner. He looked in all directions before moving,

a habit he had quickly cultivated and hoped he would be able to discard

very soon. He moved quickly to meet her. The street was quiet. Neither

Kate nor Jack saw the sedan’s nose as it crept past the corner

building’s front. Inside the driver zeroed in on the couple with a

night-vision device the mail-order catalogue had trumpeted as being the

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Categories: Baldacci David