then she kissed him, long and deeply, letting her lips pull back slowly

from his. Her eyes quickly searched his. She didn’t find what she was

looking for.

“You’re right, Jenn. The ridiculous murder case is over. A man I

respected and cared for got his brains blown apart.

Case closed, time to move on. Got a fortune to build.”

“You know what I mean. You never should have involved yourself in that

thing in the first place. It wasn’t your problem. If you would just open

your eyes you’d realize that all of that was beneath you, Jack.”

“And hardly convenient for you, right?”

Jack abruptly stood up. He was more exhausted than any thing else.

“Have a great life, Jenn. I’d say I’d see you around but I really can’t

imagine that happening.” He started to leave.

She grabbed his sleeve. “Jack, will you please tell me what I did that

was so awful?”

He hesitated and then confronted her.

“The fact that you even have to ask. Jesus Christ!” He shook his head

wearily. “You took a man’s life, Jenn, a man you didn’t even know, and

you destroyed it. And why did you do that? Because something he did to

me ‘inconvenienced’ you. So you took ten years worth of a career and

wiped it out. With one phone call. Never thinking about what it would do

to him, his family. He could’ve blown his brains out, his wife could

have divorced him for all you know. You didn’t care about that. You

probably never even thought about that. And the bottom line is I could

never love, I could never spend my life with someone who could do

something like that. If you can’t understand that, if you really think

what You did wasn’t wrong, then that’s all the more reason why we need

to say good-bye right now. We might as well flesh out the irreconcilable

differences before the wedding. Saves everybody a lot of time and


He turned the handle on the door and smiled. “Everybody I know would

probably tell me how crazy I am for doing this. That you’re the perfect

woman, smart, rich, beautiful-and you are all of those things, Jenn.

They’d say we’d have ‘a perfect life together. That we’d have

everything. How could we not be happy? But the thing is, I wouldn’t

make you happy because I don’t care about the things you do. I don’t

care about the millions in legal business, or houses the size of

apartment buildings or cars that cost a year’s salary. I don’t like this

house, I don’t like your lifestyle, I don’t like your friends. And I

guess the bottom line is, I don’t like you. And right now I’m probably

the only man on the planet who would say that. But I’m a pretty simple

guy, Jenn, and the one thing I’d never do to you is lie. And let’s face

it, in a couple of days, about a dozen guys a lot better suited to you

than Jack Graham are going to be knocking on your door. You won’t be


He looked at her and felt a grimace of pain as he observed the absolute

astonishment on her face.

“For what it’s worth, anybody who asks, you dumped me.

Not up to the Baldwin standard. Unworthy. Goo&bye, Jenn.”

She still stood there several minutes after he left. A series of

emotions competed for space across her face, none, in the end, winning

out. Finally she fled the room. The sounds of her high heels against the

marble floor disappeared as she hurried up the carpeted stairs.

For a few seconds more the library was quiet. Then the desk chair swung

around and Ransomed Baldwin eyed the doorway where his daughter had been



standing there with a gun. His eyebrows raised a notch when he saw who

it was.

Seth Frank walked in, shrugged off his coat, and looked around

appreciatively at Jack’s cluttered little apartment. -Man, this brings

back memories of another time in my life, I can tell you.”

“Let me guess. Delta House 175. You were vice President in charge of bar

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Categories: Baldacci David