charges that will be brought against you in the District. That is, after

the commonwealth finishes with you.”

The President looked over at Brimmer, who met his gaze and sternly

nodded. There was a cold look in the lawman’s eyes that told exactly how

he felt about the Chief Executive.

“I’m the President of the United States. You can’t serve me with

anything unless it’s coffee. Now get out.” The President turned to go

back to his chair.

“Technically that may be true. However, I don’t really care. Once the

impeachment process is complete you won’t be President Alan Richmond,

you’ll just be Alan Richmond.

And when that happens I’ll be back. Count on it.”

The President turned back around, his face bloodless. C, Impeachment?”

Frank moved forward until he was eye-to-eye with the man. On any other

occasion this would have triggered prompt action on the part of the

Secret Service. Now, they simply stood motionless. It was impossible to

tell that each one of them was inwardly reeling over the loss of a

respected colleague. Johnson and Varney seethed at having been duped as

to the events of that night at the Sullivan estate. And the man they

blamed for it all was now crumpling in front of them.

Frank said, “Let’s cut through the bullshit. We already have Tim Collin

and Gloria Russell in custody. They’ve both waived right to counsel and

each has given detailed depositions regarding all of the events

involving the homicides of Christine Sullivan, Luther Whitney, Walter

Sullivan and the two killings at Patton, Shaw. I believe they’ve already

cut deals with the prosecutors, who are really only interested in you

anyway. This case is a real career-builder for a prosecutor, let me tell


The President staggered back a step, then righted himself.

Frank opened the briefcase and pulled out a videotape and five

audiocassette tapes. “I’m sure your counsel will be interested to see

these. The video is of Agents Burton and Collin when they attempted to

murder Jack Graham. The tapes are of several meetings at which you were

present and at which the plannings forthe various crimes took place.

Over six hours of testimony, Mr. President. Copies have been delivered

to the Hill, the FBI, CIA, the Pos4 the Attorney General, White House

counsel and anybody else I could think of-and no gaps on the tapes. Also

included is the tape Walter Sullivan made of your telephone conversation

on the night of his murder. It doesn’t exactly coincide with the version

you gave me. All compliments of Bill Burton. Said in his note he was

cashing in his insurance policy.”

“And where is Burton?” The President’s voice was filled with rage.

“He was pronounced DOA at Fairfax Hospital at ten-thirty this morning.

Self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

Richmond barely made it to his chair. No one offered to assist him. He

looked up at Frank.

“Anything else?”

“Yeah. Burton left behind one other paper. It’s his proxy.

For the next election. Sorry, but it seems you didn’t get his vote.”

One by one the Cabinet members got up and left. Fear of political

suicide by association was alive and well in the Capital City. The

lawmen and Secret Service agents followed. Only the President remained.

His eyes stared blankly at the wall.

Seth Frank popped his head back in the door.

“Remember, be seeing you soon.” He quietly closed the door.



of spring with tolerable temperatures and humidity under fifty percent

gave way abruptly to a meteoric thermometer and a humidity level that

routinely delivered a full body shower whenever you walked outside. By

July, the typical Washingtonian had adapted as much as they were ever

going to, to air that was difficult to breathe and movements that were

never slow enough to prevent a sudden burst of perspiration under one’s

clothing. But in all of that misery, the occasional evening was not

ruined by the sudden materialization of a whipping, drenching

thunderstorm with multiple branches of lightning that threatened to

touch the earth with every explosion. Where the breeze was cool, the air

sweet-smelling and the sky clear. Tonight was just such a night.

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Categories: Baldacci David