had cleared up the picture completely. If he had called the police that

night, there would have been trouble, but not for him and Collin. The

President and his skirted sidekick would’ve taken all the heat. The

woman had snookered him. And now he was barely hanging on the edge of

all that he had worked for, sweated for, taken bullets for.

He knew far better than Russell what they were all confronted with. And

it was because of that knowledge that he had made his decision. It had

not been an easy one, but it was the only one he could make. It was the

reason he had visited Seth Frank. And it was also the reason he had had

the detective’s phone line tapped. Burton knew his course of action was

probably a long shot, but they were all well outside the range of

guarantees of any kind now. You just had to go with the cards you had

and hope Lady Luck would smile on you at some point.

Again Burton shook with anger at the position the woman had put him in.

The decision her stupidity had caused him to make. It was all he could

do not to run down the stairs and break her neck. But he promised

himself one thing. If he lived to do nothing else, he would ensure that

this woman would suffer. He would rip her from the safe confines of her

power career and hurl her right into the shit of reality—and he would

enjoy every minute of it.


was acting like a damned love-struck teenager, but there was something

so naive and yet so masculine about Tim Collin that it was actually

starting to distract her attention from her work, something that had

never happened before. But it was a historical fact that men in power

positions usually got some action on the side. Not an ardent feminist,

Russell saw, nothing wrong with emulating her male counterparts. As she

saw it, it was just another perk of the position.

As she slipped out of her dress and underwear and into her most

transparent nightgown, she kept reminding herself of why she was

seducing the younger man. She needed him for two reasons. One, he knew

about her blunder with the letter opener and she needed absolute

assurance that he keep quiet about that, and, second, she needed his

help to get that piece of evidence back. Compelling, rational reasons

and yet tonight, like all the nights before, they were the furthest

things from her mind.

At that moment she felt she could fuck Tim Collin every night for the

rest of her life and never tire of the feelings that flooded through her

body after each encounter. Her brain could rationalize a thousand

reasons why she should stop, but the remainder of her body was, for

once, not listening.

The knock on the door came a little early. She finished primping her

hair, quickly checked her makeup again, and then awkwardly slipped into

her heels as she hurried down the hallway. She opened the front door and

it felt like someone had plunged a knife between her breasts.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Burton put one foot inside the half-opened door and one massive hand

against the door itself.

“We need to talk.”

Russell unconsciously checked behind him for the man she had expected to

make love to her tonight.

Burton noted the glance. “Sorry, lover-boy ain’t coming, Chief.”

She tried to slam the door closed, but couldn’t budge the

two-hundred-and-forty-pound Burton an inch. With maddening ease he

pushed open the door and went inside, shutting the door behind him.

He stood in the entrance way looking at the Chief of Staff, who was now

desperately trying to understand what he was doing there at the same

time she was trying to cover up strategic parts of her anatomy. She was

not succeeding with either.

“Get out, Burton! How dare you come barging in here?

You’re through.”

Burton moved past her into the living room, barely brushing against her

as he walked by.

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Categories: Baldacci David