
Frank considered the theory. “Except they have a falling out or there’s

a double cross all along, and she gets the business end of some serious


“It fits the facts, Seth.”

Frank shook his head. “From all accounts the deceased loved being Mrs.

Walter Sullivan. More than the money, if you know what I mean. She got

to rub shoulders, and probably other parts of her anatomy, with famous

people all over the world. Pretty heady for somebody who used to flip

burgers; at a Burger King.”

The ME stared at him. “You’re kidding?”

The detective smiled. “Eighty-year-old billionaires sometimes get

strange ideas. It’s like where does the eight-hundred-pound gorilla sit?

Anywhere he damn well pleases.”

The Medical Examiner grinned and shook his head. Billionaire? What

would he do with a billion dollars? He J

looked down at the ink blotter on his desk. Then he put out his

cigarette and looked back at the report, then at Frank.

He cleared his throat.

“I think the second slug was a semi- or full-metal jacket.”

Frank loosened his tie, put his elbows on the desk.


The Medical Examiner went on. “It blew through the right temporal bone

of the cranium and burst through the left pareital bone, leaving an exit

wound over twice the size of the entry.”

“So you’re saying definitely two guns.”

“Not unless the guy was chambering different types of ammo in the same

gun.” He looked keenly at the detective.

“That doesn’t seem to surprise you, Seth.”

“It would have an hour ago. It doesn’t now.”

“So we probably have two perps.”

“Two perps with two guns. And a lady how big?”

The Medical Examiner didn’t need to refer to his notes.

“Sixty-two inches tall, one hundred and five pounds.”

“So a little woman and two probable male perps with heavy-caliber

hardware who try to strangle her., beat her up and then both open fire

on her, killing her.”

The Medical Examiner rubbed at his chin. The facts were more than a

little puzzling.

Frank glanced at the report. “You’re sure the strangulation marks and

beating came before death?”

The Medical Examiner looked offended. “Positive. Pretty mess, isn’t it?”

Frank flipped through the report, making notes as he went. “You could

say that. No attempted rape. Nothing like that?”

The Medical Examiner didn’t answer.

Finally Frank looked up at him, took off his glasses, put them down on

the desk and leaned back, sipping the black coffee he had been offered


“The report doesn’t say anything about a sexual assault,” he reminded

his friend.

The Medical Examiner finally stiffed. “The report’s correct. There was

no sexual assault. No trace of seminal fluid, no evidence of

penetration, no overt bruising. All that leads me to conclude,

officially, that no sexual assault occurred.”

“So? You’re not satisfied with that conclusion?” Frank looked at him


The Medical Examiner took a sip of coffee, stretched out his long arms

until he felt a comforting pop deep within the confines of his aging

body and then leaned forward.

“Your wife ever go in for a gynecological exam?”

“Sure, doesn’t every woman?”

“You’d be surprised,” the Medical Examiner replied dryly, then

continued. “Thing is, you go in for an exam, no matter how good the

oh-gyn is, there’s usually some slight swelling and small abrasions in

the genitalia. It’s the nature of the beast. To be thorough, you have to

get in there and dig around.”

Frank put down his coffee, shifted in his chair. “So what are you

saying, she had her gynecologist visit her in the middle of the night

right before she got popped?”

“The indications were slight, very slight, but they were there.” The

Medical Examiner paused, choosing his words carefully. “I’ve been

thinking about it ever since I handed in the protocol. Understand, it

could be nothing. She could have done it herself, you understand what

I’m saying? To each their own. But from the looks of it, I don’t think

it was self-inflicted. I think somebody examined her shortly after her

death. Maybe two hours after, maybe earlier.”

“Checked her for what? To see if something had happened?” Frank did not

try to hide his incredulity.

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Categories: Baldacci David