“So what are you suggesting? That I buy the goddamn things? What the

hell would I do with them?”

Jack watched Lord finally lean forward, then continued.

“You buy them for bottom dollar, maybe a half-billion, using a portion

of the proceeds from the raw materials sales. You will buy them using

dollars, which can then be used by Ukraine to purchase other necessities

in the world markets.”

“Why bottom-dollar? Every Middle Eastern country will be bidding on


“But Ukraine can’t sell to them. The G-7 countries would never allow it.

If Ukraine did, they’d be cut out of the EU

and other Western markets, and if that happens, they’re dead.”

“So I buy them and sell them to whom?”

Jack couldn’t help but grin. “To us. The United States. Six billion is a

conservative estimate on their worth. Hell, the weapons-grade plutonium

those babies contain is priceless.

The rest of the G-7s would probably pitch in a few billion.

It’s your relationship with Kiev that makes this whole thing work. They

look to you as their savior.”

Sullivan looked stunned. He started to rise and then thought better of

it. Even to him the amounts of money potentially out there were

staggering. But he had enough money, more than enough. But to remove

part of the nuclear equation from the collective miseries of the world

“And this was whose idea?” Sullivan looked at Lord as he asked the

question. Lord pointed at Jack.

Sullivan leaned back in his chair and looked up at the young man. Then

he rose with a swiftness that startled Jack.

The billionaire took Jack’s hand in an iron grip. “You’re going plates,

young man. Mind if I tag along?”

Lord beamed like a father. Jack couldn’t stop smiling. He had started to

forget what it was like to hit one out of the park.

After Sullivan departed, Jack and Sandy sat at the table.

Finally Sandy said, “I recognize it was not an easy assignment. How do

you feel?”

Jack couldn’t help but grin. “Like I just slept with the prettiest girl

in high school, kind of tingling all over.”

Lord laughed and stood up. “You’d better go home and get some rest.

Sullivan’s probably calling his pilot from the car. At least we got his

mind off the bitch.”

Jack didn’t hear the last part as he quickly left the room.

For now, for once in a long time, he felt good. No worries, just

possibilities. Endless possibilities.

That night he sat up late telling a very enthusiastic Jennifer Baldwin

all about it. Afterward, over a very chilled bottle of champagne and a

platter of oysters specially delivered to her townhouse, the couple had

the most gratifying sex of their courtship. For once, the high ceilings

and murals did not bother Jack. In fact, he was growing to like them.



Each item is carefully screened and aPpropriately processed, the whole

task handled by an in-house staff with assistance and supervision by the

Secret Service The two envelopes were addressed to Gloria Russell, which

was somewhat unusual since most of this type of COrrespondence was

addressed to the President or members of the First Family, or frequently

the First Pet, which currently happened to be a golden retriever named


The handwriting on each was in block letters, the envelopes white and

cheap and thus widely available. Russell got to them about twelve

o’clock on a day that had been going pretty well up until then. inside

one was a single sheet of paper and inside the other was an item she had

stared at for some minutes. Written on the paper, again in block

letters, were the words:

Question: What constitutes high crime and misdeweanors? Answer: I don’t

think you want to find out.

Valuable item available, more to follow, chief, signed not a sara

admirer Even though she had expected it, in fact had desperately wanted

to receive it, she still could feel her heartbeat increase to where it

pounded against the wall of her chest; her saliva dwindled down to where

she reached for and gulped down a glass of water and repeated the

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Categories: Baldacci David