plastic bag and its immensely valuable occupant had fallen out and slid

down behind the nightstand.

Luther’s finger nudged the blade of the letter opener through the

plastic before secreting it in his duffel bag. He went quickly over to

the window and carefully peered out.

The limo and van were still there. That wasn’t good.

He went across to the other side of the room, took out his rope, secured

it under the leg of the enormously heavy chest of drawers, and ran the

line across to the other window, which would drop him at the opposite

end of the house, hidden from the road. He carefully opened the window,

praying for a well-oiled track, and was rewarded.

He played out the rope and watched it snake down the brick sides of the



real money there. Money and position that Christine Sullivan did not

deserve. She had won it with her boobs and artfully displayed ass and

her trashy mouth that had somehow inspired the elderly Walter Sullivan,

———awakening some emotion buried deep within his complex depths.

In six months he would not miss her anymore. His world of rock-solid

wealth and power would hurtle on.

Then it struck her.

Russell was halfway out of the limo before Collin caught her arm. He

held up the leather bag she had bought in Georgetown for a hundred bucks

and was now worth incalculably more to her. She settled back down in her

seat, her breath normalized. She smiled, almost blushed at Collin.

The President, slumped in a semicatatonic state, didn’t notice the


Then Russell peeked inside her bag, just to be sure. Her mouth dropped

open, her hands frantically tore through the few contents of the bag. It

took all her willpower not to shriek out loud as she stared

horror-stricken at the young agent. the letter opener was not there. It

must still be in the house.

Collin tore back up the stairs, a thoroughly confused Burton racing

after him.

Luther was halfway down the wall when he heard them coming.

Ten more feet.

They burst in the bedroom door.

Six more feet.

Stunned, the two Secret Service men spotted the rope;

Burton dove for it.

Two more feet, and Luther let go, hitting the ground running.

Burton flew to the window. Collin threw the nightstand aside: nothing.

He joined Burton at the window. Luther had already disappeared around

the corner. Burton started to head out the window. Collin stopped him.

The way they had come would be faster.

They bolted out the door.

LuTmm CRASHED nmouoh THE coRNFEaD, NO LONGER CONcerned with leaving a

trail, now only worried about surviving.

The bag slowed him down slightly, but he had worked too hard over the

last several months to walk away emptyhanded.

He exploded out from the friendly cover of the crops and bit the most

dangerous phase of his flight: a hundred yards of open field. The moon

had disappeared behind thickening clouds and there were no streetlights

in the country; in his black clothing he would be almost impossible to

spot. But the human eye was best at spotting movement in the darkness,

and he was moving as fast as he could.


emerged with Agent Varney and raced across the field.

Russell rolled down the window and watched them, shock on her face. Even

the President was somewhat awake, but she quickly calmed him and he

returned to his half-slumber.

Collin and Burton slipped on their night-vision goggles and their view

instantly resembled a crude computer game. Thermal images registered in

red, everything else was dark green.

Agent Travis Varney, tall and rangy, and only vaguely aware of what was

going on, was ahead of them. He ran with the easy motion of the

collegiate miler he used to be.

In the Service three years, Varney was single, committed entirely to his

profession, and looked to Burton as a father figure to replace the one

killed in Vietnam. They were looking for someone who had done something

in that house.

Something that involved the President and that therefore involved him.

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Categories: Baldacci David