“Either we talk here or we talk someplace else. It’s up to YOU.”

She followed him into the living room. “What the hell are you talking

about? I told you to get out. You’re forgetting your place in the

official hierarchy, aren’t you?”

He turned to face her. “You always answer the door dressed like that?”

He could understand Collins interest.

The nightgown did nothing to hide the Chief of Staff’s voluptuous

figure. Who would’ve thought? He might have been aroused despite

twenty-four years with the same woman and four children spawned from

that marriage, except for the fact that he was absolutely repulsed by

the halfnaked woman standing across from him.

“Go to hell! Go straight to hell, Burton.”

“That’s probably where we’re all going to end up, so why don’t you go

get on some clothes and then we’re going to talk and then I’ll leave.

But until then I ain’t going anywhere.”

“Do you realize what you’re doing? I can crush you.”

“Right!” He pulled out the photos from his jacket pocket and tossed them

down on the table. Russell tried to ignore them, but finally picked them

up. She steadied her trembling legs by placing a hand on top of a table.

“You and Collin make a beautiful couple. You really do. I don’t think

the media will lose sight of that fact. Might make for an interesting

movie of the week. What do you think?

Chief of Staff gets brains screwed out by young Secret Service agent.

You could call it The Fuck Heard ‘Round the World. That’s catchy, don’t

you think?”

She slapped him, as hard as she had ever slapped anyone.

Pain shot through her arm. It had been like hitting a piece of wood.

Burton took her hand and twisted it sideways until she screamed.

“]Listen lady, I know every fucking thing that’s going on here.

Everything. The letter opener. Who’s got it. Most importantly, how he

got it. And now this recent correspondence from our little larcenous

voyeur. Now any way you cut it, we got us a big problem, and seeing that

you’ve screwed everything up from the get-go, I think a change of

command is in order. Now go get out of the hooker clothes, and come back

in here. If you want me to save your horny little ass, you’ll do exactly

what I tell you to do. Do you understand?

Because if you don’t then I suggest we go have a little chat with the

President. It’s up’to you. Chief!” Burton spat out the last word,

communicating unequivocally his absolute disgust with her.

Burton slowly let go of her arm but still towered over her like a

mountain. His massive bulk seemed to block out her ability to think.

Russell gingerly rubbed her arm and almost timidly looked up at him as

the hopelessness of her situation started to sink in.

She went immediately to the bathroom and threw up. It seemed like she

was spending an increasing amount of her time doing that. The cold water

on her face finally started to work through the throes of nausea until

she was able to sit up and then walk slowly to her bedroom.

Her head spinning, she changed into long pants and a thick sweater,

dropping the negligee on the bed, too ashamed to even look at it as the

garment floated down; her dreams for a night of pleasure shattered with

terrifying abruptness. She replaced her red stilettos with a pair of

brown flats.

Patting her cheeks down as she sensed the rush of blood there, she felt

like she had just been caught by her father with a boy’s hands far up

her dress. That event had actually occurred in her life and probably

contributed to her absolute focus on her career to the detriment of

everything else, so embarrassed had she been by the entire episode. Her

father had called her a whore and beaten her so badly that she had

missed a week of school. She had prayed her entire life that she would

never feel such embarrassment again. Until tonight that prayer had been


She forced herself to breathe regularly and when she went back into the

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Categories: Baldacci David