under the circumstances. These men were good: methodical, careful,

thought things through, and didn’t miss anything. Dedicated lawmen and

professional criminals were not so different. The skills, the techniques

were much the same, just the focus was different, but then the focus

made all the difference, didn’t it?

The woman was now completely dressed, lying exactly where she had

fallen. Collin was finishing with her fingernails. A solution had been

injected under each, and a small suction device had cleaned away traces

of skin and other incriminating remnants.

The bed had been stripped and remade; the evidence-laden sheets were

already packed in a duffel bag for their ultimate destination in a

furnace. Collin had already scoped the downstairs area.

Everything any of them had touched, except for one item, had been wiped

clean. Burton was now vacuuming parts of the carpet and he would be the

last one to leave, backing out, as he painstakingly extinguished their


Earlier Luther had watched the agents ransack the room.

Their obvious goal made him smile in spite of himself. Burglary. The

necklace had been deposited in a bag along with her plethora of rings.

They would make it appear as if the woman had surprised a burglar in her

house and he had killed her, not knowing that six feet away a real-life

burglar was watching and listening to everything they were doing.

An eyewitness!

Luther had never been an eyewitness to a burglary other than those he

had committed. Criminals hated eyewitnesses These people would kw Luther

if they knew he was there; there was no question about that. An elderly

criminal, a three-time loser, was not much to sacrifice for the Man of

the People.

The President, still groggy but with Burton’s aid, slowly made his wa

out of the room. Russell watched them go. She y did not notice Collin

frantically searching the room. Finally, his sharp eyes fixed on

Russell’s purse on the nightstand. Poking out from the bag was about an

inch of the letter opener’s handle. Using a plastic bag, Collin quickly

pulled out the letter opener and prepared to wipe it off. Luther

involuntarily jerked as he watched Russell race over and grab Collins


“Don’t do that, Collin.”

Collin wasn’t as sharp as Burton, and certainly wasn’t in Russell’s

league. He looked puzzled.

“This hashis prints all over it, ma’am. Hers too, plus some other stuff

if you know what I mean-it’s leather, it’s soaked right in.”

“Agent Collin, I was retained by the President as his strategic and

tactical planner. What appears to you an obvious choice appears to me to

require much more thought and deliberation. Until that analysis has been

completed you will not wipe that object down. You will put it in a

proper container, and then you will give it to me.”

Collin started to protest but Russell’s menacing stare cut him off. He

dutifully bagged the letter opener and handed it to her.

“Please be careful with that, Ms. Russell.”

“Tim, I am always careful.”

She rewarded him with another smile. He smiled back.

She had never called him by his first name before; he had been unsure if

she even knew it. He also observed, and not for the first time, that the

Chief of Staff was a very goodlooking woman.

“Yes, ma’am.” He began to pack up the equipment.

“Tim?” He looked back at her. She moved toward him, looked down, and

then her eyes caught his. She spoke in low tones; she almost seemed

embarrassed, Collin felt.

“Tim, this is a very unique situation we’re faced with. I need to feel

my way a little bit. Do you understand?”

Collin nodded. “I’d call this a unique situation. Scared the hell out of

me when I saw that blade about to go into the President’s chest.”

She touched his arm. Her fingernails were long and perfectly manicured.

She held up the letter opener. “We need to keep this between us, Tim.

Okay? Not the President. Not even Burton.”

“I don’t know-2′

She gripped his hand. “Tim, I really need your support on this. The

President has no idea what happened and I don’t think Burton is looking

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Categories: Baldacci David