image of his wife and three daughters veered across his mind until, he

pushed it back out. He needed to concentrate.

He was finally close enough. He prayed his accelerated breathing would

not betray him. He leveled his pistol at the broad back.

“Freeze! I’m a police officer.”

The man did indeed stop all motion.

“Lay the gun down, butt first. I don’t want to see your finger anywhere

near the trigger or I’m gonna put a hole right in the back of your head.

Do it. Now!”

The gun slowly went toward the floor. Frank watched its progression,

inch by inch. Then his vision became blurry.

Frank’s head pounded, he staggered and then he slumped to the floor.

At the sound, Collin slowly looked around to see Bill Burton standing

there, holding his pistol by the barrel. He looked down at Frank.

“Let’s go, Tim.”

Collin shakily got to his feet, looked at the fallen officer and put his

gun to Frank’s head. Burton’s massive hand stopped him.

“He’s a cop. We don’t kill cops. We’re not killing anybody else, Tim.”

Burton stared down at his colleague. Discomforting thoughts flickered in

and out of Burton’s head at the calm and accepting manner in which the

younger man had stepped into the role of conscienceless assassin.

Collin shrugged, put his gun away.

Burton took the box, looked down at the detective and then over at the

other crumpled mass of humanity. He shook his head disdainfully and

looked reproachfully at his partner.

Several minutes after they were gone, Seth Frank let out a loud groan,

tried to rise and then floated back into unconsciousness.



ceiling of her bedroom had been replaced with a torrent of images, each

one more terrifying than its predecessor. She looked across at the small

clock on the nightstand. Three o’clock in the morning. Her window shade

was open enough to reveal the pitch-black darkness outside.

She could hear the raindrops on the windowpane. Normally comforting, now

they simply added to the relentless pounding in her head.

When the phone rang, at first, she didn’t move. Her limbs seemed too

heavy for her to even attempt to budge, as if each had simultaneously

lost all circulation. For one terrible moment she thought she had

suffered a stroke. Finally, on the fifth ring she managed to lift the


“Hello?” Her voice was shaky, one step from oblivion; her nerves

completely spent.

“Kate. I need some help.”


Park, the site of their initial rendezvous after so many years apart.

The weather had worsened into a hard, pelting snow that had made driving

nearly impossible and walking only for the irrationally daring.

Jack looked across at her. The hooded parka was off, but a ski cap, a

few days’ worth of beard and a pair of thick glasses obscured his

features to such a degree that Kate had to look twice before she

recognized him.

“You’re-sure no one followed you?” He looked anxiously at her. A cup of

steaming coffee partially clouded her line of vision, but she could see

the strain on his face. It was clear he was near the breaking point.

“I did what you said. The subway, two cabs and a bus. If anyone kept up

with me in this weather, they’re not human.”

Jack put his coffee down. “From what I’ve seen, they might not be.”

He had not specifically identified the meeting place on the phone. He

now assumed that they were listening to everything, to anyone connected

to him. He had only mentioned the “usual” place, confident that Kate

would understand, and she had. He looked out the window. Every passing

face was a threat. He slid a copy of the Post across to her. The front

page was revealing. Jack had shaken with anger when he had first read


Seth Frank was in stable condition at George Washington University

Hospital with a concussion. The homeless man, as yet unidentified, had

not been so fortunate. And smack in the middle of the story was Jack

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Categories: Baldacci David