and sharp angles. As he tried to sit up, a hand planted itself firmly

against his shoulder.

“Uh-uh, Lieutenant. Not so fast.”

Frank looked up into the face of Laura Simon. The smile did not entirely

hide the worry lines around the eyes. Her sigh of relief was clearly


“Your wife just left to check on the kids. She’s been here all night. I

told her as soon as she left you’d wake up.”

“I guess if. you were -gonna have your head pounded in, at least you

picked a place close to a hospital.”

Simon continued to lean over the bed so Frank wouldn’t have to turn ‘

his head. He stared up at her.

“Seth, do you remember what happened?”

Frank thought back to last night. Or was it last night?

“What day is it?”


“So it happened last night?”

“Around eleven or so. At least they found you about then.

And the other guy.”

“Other guy?” Frank jerked his head around. Pain shot through his neck.

“Take it easy, Seth.” Laura took a moment to prop a pillow next to

Frank’s head.

“There was another guy. Homeless. They haven’t identified him yet. Same

kind of blow to the back of the head.

Probably died instantly. You were lucky.”

Frank gingerly touched his throbbing temples. He didn’t feel so lucky.

“Anybody else?”


“Did they find anybody else?”

“Oh. No, but you’re not going to believe this. You know the lawyer who

watched the tape with us?”

Frank tensed. “Yeah, Jack Graham.”

“Right. The guy kills two people at his law firm and then he’s spotted

running away from the Metro about the time you and the other guy get

whacked. The guy’s a walking nightmare. And he looked like a Mr.


“Have they found him yet? Jack? They’re sure he got away?”

Laura looked at him strangely. “He got out of the Metro station if

that’s what you mean. But it’s only a matter of time.” She looked out

the window, reached for her purse.

“The D.C. cops want to talk with you as soon as you’re able.”

“I’m not sure how much help I can be. I don’t remember all that much,


“Temporary amnesia. You’ll probably get it back.”

She put on her jacket. “I have to go. Somebody’s got to keep Middleton

County safe for the rich and famous while you’re counting sheep in

here.” She smiled. “Don’t make a habit out of this, Seth. We were really

worried we might have to hire a new detective.”

“Where would you find someone as nice as me?”

Laura laughed. “Your wife will be back in a few hours. You need to get

some rest anyway.” She turned to go to the door.

“By the way, Seth, what were you doing at the Farragut West Metro at

that time of night?”

Frank didn’t answer right away. He didn’t have amnesia.

He recalled the night’s events clearly.


“I’m not sure, Laura.” He closed his eyes and then reopened them. “I

just don’t remember.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll come back to you. In the meantime, they’ll catch

Graham. That’ll probably clear everything up.”

After Laura left, Frank did not rest. Jack was out there.

And he had probably initially thought the detective had set him up,

although if Jack had seen the paper he would know that the detective had

walked blindly into the ambush that had been laid for the lawyer.

But they had the letter opener now. That’s what was in that box. He was

certain of it. And without that what chance did they have of nailing

these people?

Frank again tried to struggle up. There was an TV in his arm. The

pressure on his brain caused him to immediately lie back down. He had to

get out of here. And he had to get in touch with Jack. Right now he had

no idea how be would accomplish either.


Jack. There were no reservations on her features.

Jack sat on the bed next to her. He looked troubled. “I’ve got some real

serious doubts about getting you anywhere near this. In fact I’m

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Categories: Baldacci David