procedure until she could hold the letter without shaking. Then she

looked at the second item. A photograph. The sight of the letter opener

had brought the nightmare events rushing back to her. She gripped the

sides of her chair. Finally the attack subsided.

“At least he wants to deal.” Collin put down the note and photo and

returned to his chair. He noted the extreme pallor of the woman and

wondered if she was tough enough to make it through this one.

“Maybe. It could also be a setup.”

Collin shook his head. “Don’t think so.”

Russell sat back in her chair, rubbed at her temples, downed another

Tylenol. “Why not?”

“Why set us up this way? In fact, why set us up at all?

He’s got the stuff to bury us. He wants money.”

“He probably got millions from the Sullivan heist.”

‘Maybe. But we don’t know how much of it was liquid.

Maybe he stashed it and can’t get back to it. Maybe he’s just an

extremely greedy person. World is full of those.”

“I need a drink. Can you come over tonight?”

“The President is having dinner at the Canadian embassy.”

“Shit. Can’t you get someone to replace you?”

“Maybe, if you pulled some strings.”

“Consider them pulled. How soon do you think we’ll hear from him again?”

“He doesn’t seem too anxious, although he might just be acting cautious.

I would in his situation.”

“Great. So I can smoke two packs of menthols a day until we hear from

him. By then I’ll be dead of lung cancer.”

“If he wants money, what are you going to do?” he asked.

“Depending on how much he wants, it can be accomplished without too much

difficulty.” She seemed calmer now.

Collin rose to 90. “You’re the boss.”

“Tim?” Russell went over to him. “Hold me for a minute.”

He felt her rub against his pistol as he gripped her.

“Tim, if it comes down to more than money. If we can’t get it back.”

Collin looked down at her.

“Then I’ll take care of it, Gloria.” He touched his fingers to her lips,

turned and le-it.


Burton looked the younger man up and down. “So how’s she holding up?”

“All right.” Collin continued to walk down the hallway, until Burton

grabbed his arm, spun him around.

“What the fuck’s going on, Tim?” Collin loosened his partner’s grip.

“This isn’t the time or the place, Bill.”

“Well, tell me the time and the place, and I’ll be there because we need

to talk.”

“What about?”

“You gonna fucking play stupid with me?” He roughly pulled Collin to a


“I want you to think real clearly about that woman in there. She doesn’t

give a shit about you or me or anybody else. The only thing she cares

about is saving her own little ass. I don’t know what kind of story

she’s spinning on you, and I don’t know what you two are cooking up, but

I’m telling you to be careful. I don’t want to see you throw everything

away over her.”

“I appreciate the concern but I know what I’m doing, Bill.”

“Do you, Tim? Does fucking the Chief of Staff come within the purview

of a Secret Service agent’s responsibilities? Why don’t you show me

where that is in the manual?

I’d like to read it for myself. And while we’re talking about it, why

don’t you enlighten me about what the hell we went back into that house

for. Because we ain’t got it, and I guess I know who does. My ass is on

the line here too, Tim. if I’m going down I’d like to know why.”

An aide passed by in the hallway and stared strangely at the two men.

Burton smiled and nodded and then returned his attention to Collin.

“Come on, Tim, what the hell would you do if you were me?”

The young man looked at his friend and his face slowly relaxed from the

hard line he normally wore while on duty. If he were in Burton’s

position what would he do? The answer was easy. He’d kick some ass

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Categories: Baldacci David